Is the term "You run a marathom differently than you run a track event" not an English example of polymorphism?

No, the term "You run a marathon differently than you run a track event" is not an example of polymorphism in the English language. Polymorphism is a concept that belongs to object-oriented programming and refers to the ability of objects to take on many forms or have multiple behaviors.

In programming, polymorphism allows objects of different types to be treated as if they belong to a common superclass. For example, you could have a superclass called "Shape" and subclasses called "Circle" and "Rectangle." Both the circle and rectangle can inherit common properties and methods from the shape superclass, but they can also have their own unique characteristics.

On the other hand, the sentence you provided is simply a comparison between two different types of running events, namely a marathon and a track event. It does not involve objects or programming concepts, so it does not demonstrate polymorphism.