I know how environmental science branches off to various sciences-

how does astronomy (to be specific, the discovery that Pluto's not a planet anymore) relates to environmental science?

Thank you!

Reclassifying Pluto as "not a planet" is NOT a discovery. It was an arbitrary redefinition determined by a vote of members of a certain association of astronomers. Many were embarassed by the prospect of having to revise the number of planets as others are discovered farther away. One Caltech astronomer has already found four of them, some of which are as large as Pluto, and I think they did not want him to have too much glory.

This does not address your question, but I could not help but sound off on that subject.

Planetary science is a branch of astronomy. Both they and environmental scientists study things like atmospheres and geology.

what does denitification do to nitrogrn as a waste?

enviormental science is the most calculated sientific lavorated and nitrogen as a waste gets beaten to deth by denitification

Explain how energy stored in coal was obtained from the sun?

Denitrification is a process in which certain bacteria convert nitrates (a form of nitrogen) into nitrogen gas, which can then be released into the atmosphere. This process plays a significant role in the nitrogen cycle and has implications for environmental science.

In terms of nitrogen as a waste, denitrification can be beneficial. Excess nitrogen can be present in agricultural runoff, wastewater, or other sources, and it can contribute to water pollution and eutrophication (excessive growth of algae and depletion of oxygen in water bodies).

Denitrification helps remove excess nitrogen from ecosystems by converting it into a gas that can escape into the atmosphere. By reducing nitrogen levels in water bodies, denitrification helps alleviate the negative impacts on aquatic life and water quality.

To understand the specific effects of denitrification on nitrogen as a waste, one would need to study the nitrogen cycle, microbial ecology, and environmental chemistry. By analyzing and quantifying denitrification rates and its impact on nitrogen levels, researchers in environmental science can better understand and manage nitrogen pollution to maintain healthy ecosystems.