I have troblem in reading speaking and viewing I was wondrieng what I can do to improve in these areas?

For reading:

For speaking:


I'm not sure what you mean about "viewing" so if you'll be more specific, I or someone else may be able to help.


Could it be that you meant "comprehending" what you read or what is being spoken rather than "viewing"?

There are resources, like writing centers, at your school's library that can help you a lot. There are also a lot of information on those areas that you need help with on the net. Hope the best of luck. Do not hesitate to post some other concerns as well as we are here to help each other. :o)

To improve in reading, I recommend checking out the following resources:

1. Glendale Community College's Speed Reading Skills: This website (http://english.glendale.cc.ca.us/speed1.html) provides tips and exercises to help improve reading speed and comprehension.

For speaking, I suggest looking at these resources:

1. ThinkQuest's Speaking Skills Curriculum: This website (http://library.thinkquest.org/C001146/curriculum.php3?action=item_view&item_id=98) offers a comprehensive curriculum for improving speaking skills, including pronunciation, intonation, and fluency.

2. About.com's Speaking English Lesson Plans: This website (http://esl.about.com/od/speakingenglish/) provides lesson plans and activities to enhance oral communication skills in English.

If you meant "comprehending" rather than "viewing," I apologize for the confusion. In that case, there are some general strategies you can employ to improve your comprehension skills:

1. Take notes while reading or listening: Summarize key points, make connections, and jot down questions to enhance understanding.

2. Use visualization techniques: Create mental images of what you are reading or hearing to help solidify comprehension.

3. Practice active listening: Engage in focused listening by paying attention to the speaker, asking for clarification when needed, and summarizing what you've heard.

4. Read extensively: The more you read, the more exposure you have to different styles of writing, vocabulary, and ideas, which can improve your overall comprehension skills.

Remember, practice and consistency are key. Set aside dedicated time each day to work on these skills and gradually incorporate them into your daily routine. If you have access to additional resources or guidance from educators or tutors, make use of them as well. Good luck!