i don't get problems like y=-2x. and y=3x-1

what is 15.02499 rounded to the nearest tenth

what is 15.02499 rounded to the nearest tenth

Oh geez, it's been a whole summer since I tried this. But if I'm not mistaken isn't it

15.0 ?

Please correct me anyone if I am wrong. But I do believe that is correct.

No, that's correct. We would round 15.02499 down to 15.01 if we wanted the nearest 10th or .1 place.

The correct ans to the nearest 10th is 15.0
The Zero would only become a "1" if the number following it was 5 or greater.

Here is how we name decimal places:

.1 (tenth place)
.01 (one hundredth place) etc.....

There should be a correction below this one. I know it's 15.0, not 15.01. Apparently I mistyped when entering. Unfortunately this forum's format is a 1-shot deal, we aren't given a chance to edit an entry after it's made. Therefore you should check other entries following it to see any corrections made.

The 'no' in my previous post was to this line:
"Please correct me anyone if I am wrong. But I do believe that is correct"

You are correct.

Looks like I had a typo in my first reply to this. Yes, we would round to 15.0, not 15.01 has I had, that's a typo.

Kaitlin , both of the equations are those for lines.
The equatios are: y=-2x and y=3x-1
What is it you're having difficulty with?
The first one has slope = -2 and goes through the origin.
The second has slope 3 and intersects the y-axis at -1.

To understand equations like y = -2x and y = 3x - 1, you need to understand the concept of linear equations. In these equations, y represents the y-coordinate of a point on the line, and x represents the x-coordinate of the same point.

In the equation y = -2x, the coefficient of x is -2, which represents the slope of the line. The slope tells us how steep the line is. Since the coefficient is negative, the line slopes downward from left to right. The equation also tells us that the line passes through the origin (0,0), because when x = 0, y will also be 0.

In the equation y = 3x - 1, the coefficient of x is 3, which represents the slope. Since the coefficient is positive, the line slopes upward from left to right. The equation tells us that the line intersects the y-axis at the point (0, -1), because when x = 0, y will be -1.

To graph these equations, you can choose different values for x, calculate the corresponding y values, and plot the points. For example, if you choose x = 1, in the first equation, you would calculate y = -2(1) = -2. This gives you the point (1, -2) on the graph. Repeat this process for a few more values of x to get more points and then connect them to create the line.

Now let's move on to rounding numbers. To round 15.02499 to the nearest tenth, you will look at the digit to the right of the tenth place, which is the hundredth place. In this case, the number in the hundredth place is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, you will round down. Therefore, 15.02499 rounded to the nearest tenth is 15.0. The zero in the tenths place shows that there are no additional tenths to include.

Remember, when rounding to the nearest tenth, if the number in the hundredth place is 5 or greater, you round up. If it is less than 5, you round down.