We had to answer some questions about advertising and choose an ad off TV and out on a magazine to do it on. I did a shampoo ad on TV and a purfume ad in a magazine but i don't get the questions 8 and 9:

8- What are some of the explict values and attitudes assumed to be shared by the readers/veiwers?

9- What are some of the more implicit or taken for granted points?

Any help would be great, Stace

Explicit values are those that are atated, out in the open, ones that people talk about. Listen to or read the ads carefully. It'll be quite obvious.

Implicit values are, as the question states, taken for granted. They are implied (where the word "implicit" comes from), not stated. In reading or listening to the ads, they should come through in the feelings you get -- feelings about what people would get out of the purchase and use of these products.

For example, I know a young teen who had a particular shampoo and conditioner in mind -- specifically for brunettes. The explicit values behind the purchase of the particular brand are the obvious ones: 1) Clean, shiny, and manageable hair are good results of the use of shampoo. 2) Enhancing the color of her brunette-ness makes her look good.

The implicit values are harder to state, but the one that stands out for the purchase of any shampoo, I think, is that her peers will admire the color and clean scent of the person's hair. There are undoubtedly others!

Let us know what you come up with, and we'll give you feedback.


To answer question 8 and 9 about the explicit and implicit values and attitudes assumed to be shared by the readers/viewers, you need to analyze the advertisements you chose.

For the shampoo ad on TV, listen carefully to the dialogue, voiceover, or any text that appears on screen. Look for any explicit values or attitudes that are clearly stated or talked about. For example, if the ad mentions that the shampoo provides volume and makes hair shiny and healthy-looking, those would be explicit values.

For the perfume ad in the magazine, pay attention to the visuals, headlines, and any accompanying text. Look for explicit values or attitudes that are clearly shown or written. For instance, if the ad portrays the perfume as luxurious and sophisticated, or if it states that wearing the perfume can make you feel confident and attractive, those would be explicit values.

To identify implicit values and attitudes, you need to consider the feelings or emotions that the ads evoke or the assumptions the ads make about the readers/viewers. In the case of the shampoo ad, an implicit value could be that having beautiful hair will make you more desirable or attractive to others. This may not be explicitly stated but can be inferred from the messaging or imagery used in the ad.

For the perfume ad, an implicit value could be that wearing the perfume will make you feel more confident or alluring. Again, this may not be clearly mentioned in the ad, but it can be implied from the visuals and overall tone of the ad.

Try to think about the target audience for each advertisement and consider what values, attitudes, or aspirations they may have. This can help you identify both the explicit and implicit values and attitudes assumed by the ad.

Once you have analyzed the advertisements based on these guidelines, you will be able to answer questions 8 and 9 more effectively. Good luck!