Which of the following modes for composition is best suited for the tpic "my first day at my new job"

A. Narration B. Definition

C. Cause and effect

D. Comparison and contrast.

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To determine which mode of composition is best suited for the topic "my first day at my new job," you need to consider the purpose and nature of each mode. Let's go through each option and analyze which one would fit best:

A. Narration: Narration involves telling a story or recounting events. If you choose to narrate your first day at your new job, you would provide a chronological account of the events and experiences. This mode works well if you want to create a sense of personal connection and engage the audience in your story.

B. Definition: Definition mode is used to explain the meaning or characteristics of a topic. It involves providing a clear definition and explanation of key ideas. For the topic of "my first day at my new job," using the definition mode might not be the best choice because it is not focused on defining terms or concepts.

C. Cause and effect: Cause and effect mode explores the relationship between events and the consequences that follow. While you could discuss the causes and effects of your first day at your new job, it might not be the most effective mode for this particular topic, as it may not have significant or noteworthy consequences.

D. Comparison and contrast: Comparison and contrast mode involves examining similarities and differences between two or more subjects. This mode may not be the most suitable for the topic "my first day at my new job" since it does not involve comparing or contrasting different elements.

Based on this analysis, the most suitable mode for the topic "my first day at my new job" would be A. Narration. This mode allows you to share your personal experiences and engage the readers with a compelling story.

When answering similar questions, it is important to consider the purpose and nature of each mode of composition and select the one that aligns best with the topic at hand. Remember to provide support and evidence for your choice to make your answer stronger.