what were the contributions and achievements of islamic culture?

Check your book -- or this site -- for the many contributions that Islamic culture has made to the world.


Islamic culture has made significant contributions and achievements in various fields throughout history. Some of the notable ones include:

1. Mathematics and Science: Islamic scholars like Al-Khwarizmi and Ibn al-Haytham made significant advancements in mathematics, algebra, and optics. The concept of zero and decimal system were introduced by Muslims to the world.

2. Medicine: Islamic physicians such as Avicenna and Al-Razi advanced the field of medicine. They compiled and translated ancient medical texts, made important discoveries, and established hospitals and medical schools.

3. Architecture: Islamic architecture is known for its innovative designs and use of intricate geometrical patterns. The iconic structures like the Great Mosque of Cordoba, Alhambra, and Taj Mahal showcase the artistic and architectural achievements of Islamic culture.

4. Literature: Islamic culture has a rich literary heritage. The works of Persian poets like Rumi and Hafez are celebrated for their eloquence and spiritual insights. Arabic literature also flourished during the Islamic Golden Age, with prominent poets like Al-Mutanabbi and Al-Maʿarri.

5. Philosophy and Scholarship: Islamic philosophers, such as Ibn Rushd and Al-Farabi, made significant contributions to the fields of philosophy, logic, and ethics. Islamic scholars were also instrumental in preserving and translating ancient Greek and Roman texts during the Middle Ages.

6. Trade and Commerce: Islamic culture played a vital role in the development of trade and commerce. The establishment of the Silk Road facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between different regions.

To explore the contributions and achievements of Islamic culture, you can refer to various sources such as books, academic articles, and reputable websites like the one mentioned (http://www.cyberistan.org/islamic/). These sources provide detailed information and insights into the significant impact of Islamic culture in various fields.