a bottle has mass 81.509g when empty. a bottle with pure water has mass 610.5g (density=1.00g/mL). a bottle with isopropanol has mass 498.8g. what is the density of isopropanol?

mass of water = 610.5 g - 81.50 g. Volume of water = mass/density.

mass isopropanol = 498.8 g - 81.50.
density isopropanol = mass/volume = ??

To find the density of isopropanol, you need to determine the volume of isopropanol first.

Step 1: Calculate the volume of water:
Mass of water = 610.5 g - 81.509 g = 528.991 g
Volume of water = mass of water / density of water
Density of water = 1.00 g/mL
Volume of water = 528.991 g / 1.00 g/mL = 528.991 mL

Step 2: Calculate the volume of isopropanol:
Mass of isopropanol = 498.8 g - 81.509 g = 417.291 g
Volume of isopropanol = mass of isopropanol / density of isopropanol

Now we can calculate the density of isopropanol by rearranging the formula for density:

Density = Mass / Volume


Density of isopropanol = Mass of isopropanol / Volume of isopropanol
= 417.291 g / (Volume of water - Volume of air)

Substituting the calculated values,

Density of isopropanol = 417.291 g / (528.991 mL - Volume of air)

Make sure to substitute the appropriate value for the volume of air, as you have not provided that information.