how can astronaunts talk to one another on the moon where there is no air.

1 air is not needed
2. heavy boots
3. ratio transmission
4. staying inside a preassurised suit

Which answer do you think is correct? Why?

Note the following misspelled words: ratio (radio?) preassurised (presurized/presurised?)


Some of those multiple choices are pretty funny. Which ones can you eliminate? Do they talk with their boots?

The correct answer is option 4: staying inside a pressurized suit.

Astronauts on the moon communicate with each other using radio transmission. They wear specially designed suits that are pressurized to provide them with a breathable atmosphere. These suits have built-in communication devices, such as microphones and speakers, that allow astronauts to talk to each other and to mission control on Earth. The radio signals are transmitted through the suit's communication system, which is independent of the lack of air on the moon's surface.

The other options listed are not correct:

1. Air is not needed: While it is true that sound cannot travel through empty space, astronauts still require a pressurized environment to survive. They need oxygen to breathe, and their suits provide them with a controlled atmosphere.

2. Heavy boots: Heavy boots do not play a role in communication. Boots are designed to provide traction and protect the feet from the harsh lunar surface.

3. Radio transmission: This option is partially correct, as astronauts do use radio transmission for communication. However, the key aspect is that they use radio transmission while inside their pressurized suits, rather than relying on the radio waves traveling through the vacuum of space.

As for the misspelled words, it seems like "ratio" was likely meant to be "radio" in option 3, and "preassurised" should be "pressurized."

So, to summarize, astronauts communicate with radio transmission while they are inside their pressurized suits on the moon.