i need help on this now pllllllz!!!!!

Land in return for service
William needed help in 1066 to conquer England. The promise the great lords (tannin chief) big states ((land)) in return for helping to become king

The main lords ware baron’s t bishops. The prodded William with knight horses ECT… is conquer to control England

It looks like you're seeking help with understanding the concept of "Land in return for service" in the context of William's conquest of England in 1066. I can help explain it to you.

In 1066, William, who was also known as William the Conqueror, needed assistance in his quest to become the king of England. He made a deal with the great lords or powerful nobles (often referred to as "tannin chiefs" and "barons") in which he promised them land in exchange for their support in his conquest.

These great lords, such as barons and bishops, played a crucial role in William's plan. They provided him with various resources and services, including knights (skilled warriors) and horses. In return, they expected to receive larger estates or territories from the conquered lands, granting them more power and influence.

So essentially, William offered land as a form of payment and reward to the powerful nobles who helped him become king. This practice of granting land in return for service was a common feudal arrangement during that time period. It allowed William to gain the support and loyalty of these influential individuals, while also solidifying his control over England.

If you have any more specific questions or need further clarification, please let me know!