Who was Marshal Foch?

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Foch, Ferdinand , 1851–1929, marshal of France. A professor at the École de Guerre, he later served (1908–11) as director of that institute. In World War I, he was responsible, with General Joffre and General Gallieni, for halting the German advance at the Marne (1914). He participated in the first battle of Ypres (1915) and that of the Somme (1916); after a brief eclipse, he was appointed (1917) chief of the French general staff. In Apr., 1918, Foch assumed the unified command of the British, French, and American armies. In this capacity, he was perhaps more responsible than any other one man for the victory in 1918.

Taken from INFOPLEASE, encylopedia

Marshal Foch, full name Ferdinand Foch, was a French military officer and the Marshal of France. He was born in 1851 and passed away in 1929. Foch served as a professor at the École de Guerre and later became the director of the institute from 1908 to 1911.

During World War I, Foch played a significant role in halting the German advance at the Marne in 1914, alongside General Joffre and General Gallieni. He also participated in the first battle of Ypres in 1915 and the battle of the Somme in 1916. After a period of less influence, Foch was appointed as the chief of the French general staff in 1917.

In April 1918, Foch assumed the role of commanding the British, French, and American armies, becoming the supreme Allied commander. In this position, Foch played a crucial role in achieving victory for the Allies in 1918. His leadership and strategic decisions were instrumental in turning the tide of the war.

- Infoplease encyclopedia

Marshal Ferdinand Foch was a French military officer who served as the Allied Supreme Commander during World War I. To find information about Marshal Foch, you can easily search for his name on any search engine like Google. By typing "Marshal Foch" into the search bar, you will get multiple hits and sources providing details about him. One such source is the encyclopedia Infoplease, which provides information about his background, his role in World War I, and his contributions to the victory in 1918.