There are 3 pitchers of juice. Each student will be served ^ of the juice in a pitcher. How many students will get juice?

l a. Draw lines on the pitchers to show how many students these pitchers will serve.

b. Write a number model to describe the problem.

can someone please help me cause its almost 10 were i am

help me quickly its 10:07!

I would have helped you soon after you posted, but I don't understand this line.

"Each student will be served ^ of the juice in a pitcher. "

the ^ was a typo sorry if you got confused

the ^ was supposed be one fourth

You still didn't clarify that line.

There are 3 pitchers of juice. Each student will be served one fourth of the juice in a pitcher. How many students will get juice?

l a. Draw lines on the pitchers to show how many students these pitchers will serve.

b. Write a number model to describe the problem.

3 / (1/4) = 3 * (4/1) = 12 students

thank you :D

You're welcome.

what is the volume of the cube bellow