A recipe for 24 cookies calls for 6 tablespoons of sugar. If you make 36 cookies and use 10 tablespoons, will the cookies taste the same? Explain

24 cookies divided by 6 tablespoons of sugar equals 4 cookies per tablespoon of sugar. So, 4 cookies times 10 tablespoons of sugar equals 40 cookies. Since you are using the amount of sugar for 40 cookies instead of 36, the cookies will be sweeter.

use ratios : 6/24 = 1/4.

the other recipe thingy is 10/36= 5/18.

thus they will taste different because 5/18 is not equal to 1/4

Melody is right. Trust her, i dont like when people trick me so im not going to trick you!!!! :D

i did this from Melony

24 cookies divided by 6 tablespoons of sugar equals 4 cookies per tablespoon of sugar. So, 4 cookies times 10 tablespoons of sugar equals 40 cookies. Since you are using the amount of sugar for 40 cookies instead of 36, the cookies will be sweeter.

So you'd have to divide 24 by 3/4 (0.75)?

No actually you both are right no matter what i am in 7th and my teacher seen this and asked me who was wrong and who was right and explain why and I told him you bother are right just with different explanations, if you both combine your answers you both would be right. Just because you don't think they make sense together doesn't mean he/she is wrong.You both are right now don't complain. Thanks Melody and Red Sus


i think melody is still right-


Peace I need help like now bruh and sruhs

No, because they wouldn't contain the same amount of sugar per cookie

for the first recipe - 24 cookies with 6 tablespoons
that's 6/24 so 0.25 tablespoons of sugar per cookie
for the second recipe - 36 cookies with 10 tablespoons
that's 10/36 so 0.276 tablespoons per cookie
the cookies in the second recipe would be slightly sweeter than the cookies in the first

you both are right* that's what i meant to say


help plz!

whats the answer

a cookie recipe calls for 3/4 cups of sugar for 24 cookies. how many cups of sugar to make 36 cookies