The moon is about 240.000 miles from Earth. What is this distance written as a whole number multiplied by the power of ten?

How long does the retraction of the moon from the earth?

I don't no can u help me

The moon is about 240.000 miles from earth. What is this distance written as a whole number multiplied by a power of ten

It is

Deez nuts ha gotti!!

2.4 * 10^5

First, if you have a question, it is much better to put it in as a separate post in <Post a New Question> rather than attaching it to a previous question, where it is more likely to be overlooked.

the answer as given is the correct scientific notation, but the question wanted a whole number times a power of ten.

That would be 24*10^4

My guess is that the real exercise does not specify a whole number, but a number n such that 1.0 <= n < 10.0

what is dis answer


whats the answer plz i need help

the Answer

is very simple USE YOUR NOGIN!


c; lol

Jk idk


Ur whalecum ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
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I think its 240 :p

The answer is 24 x 10^4 i THINK

The moon is about 240000 miles from earth. What is this distance written as a whole number multiplied by a power of ten.

I do not know

I think it is 2.4 โœ–๏ธ10 to the power of 4

lel idk dank memes

Im not sure but i think its 24 to the power of ten to the 4

The answer is simple:

24 times 10^4