Which of the following is visible to a person only because light from another source reflects off it?

- lightning
- flashlight
- cloud
- sun

It is cloud probably because the sun produces it's own light, the flashlight has batteries and produces light, and lightning is light! Because of the way the clouds fall on a certain day you may only see them at a certain time of day or when the light reflects off it from another light source. At first I thought it was flashlight because in the book it does not say if the flashlight is on or off and that could change the whole answer!

Cloud is the only answer that doesn't produce light.

Oh and a btw plasma=superheated gas=lightning ^_^

Mrs. Donde is wrong the right answer would be cloud because even though clouds don't produce light but a cloud comes from a different light source.

i am a ten year old all most 11 but could is not the answer the answer is sun gives more light then a flashlight and lightning.

i mean lightning is the answer not the sun i am the girl that said that was ten almost 11 but now that i think about it the answer is lighting like i said.

Sun produces light. So does flashlight and lightning.

Rule out those, and you've got your answer!

Plasma is kinda like light

Flashlights produce light
Sun is obvious
Clouds is the answer


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Three of those produce light. Which one does not?


Plasma is kinda like light

Flashlights produce light
Sun is obvious

if you can take to away and you are left with lightning and flash light think about it think what one reflects off something