What are some interesting facts on the spiral notebook?



how would you make a spiral notebook with yarn,paper, and a pre-hole punched folder?

I'd hold the papers and folder together loosely by tying a piece of yarn through each hole.

However, yarn wouldn't produce a real spiral notebook. You need metal forged into a spiral for this kind of notebook.

what about pipe cleaners? I want to be creative.also, I don't have metal.

To be creative, you could punch a bunch of holes -- not just two or three.

You could use metal if you soaked the paper off of twist ties. Pipe cleaners would work -- as would thin ribbon, the curly paper ribbon used for presents. Try curling a long piece of this ribbon and trying to use it as a spiral.

what other material could i use? I'm sorry to keep bothering you but i have a report on this due TOMORROW!!!

Try some of the suggestions I already gave you.

it's just that i don't have much at home.The ribbon,well,let's just say I've never seen one in my life and I can't find my pipe cleaners!What do I do?! :(

what about shoelace?

A shoelace would work. I think yarn would be more attractive.

i don't have a hole punch but thanks for your help.