Magnanimous : pusillanimous ::

A) reputable:disreputable
B) matrilineal:matriarchal
C) megaton:megalomania
D) creation:devastation

A) contradictory:disruption
B) paradox:orthodoxy
C) metrical:poetry
D) sangfroid:consanguinity
Please help. I can't figure the answers! Thank you!

Do you know the definitions of each of these words?

I looked them up. Matrilineal is inheriting the female line. Matriarchal is a female leader. Megaton is a million tons. Megalomania means someone who likes doing fancy things. Magnate is a person of importance. Contradictory and disrupting pretty much mean the same. They interject into something. Paradox and orthodoxy both are a type of opinion. Oh is contrapuntal:polyphony::contradictory:disruption?

I don't think so. Contrapuntal and polyphony are about the same thing. So that answer must be D.

Contradictory goes against something, so it doesn't mean the same as disrupting.


Thank you! What about the first one? Magnanimous and pusillanimous aren't really opposites...

You're welcome.

Magnanimous means generous; pusillanimous means willing to fight.

It looks like D. is the best analogy.

Thank you so much!!

how fast can you answer??

Actually no, both are not d. contrapuntal means composing of two or more relatively different melodies, and polyphony means different sounds. Choice A, contradictory means opposite sounds and disruption means division. So choice A is the correct answer, NOT Choice D.

For the other one, magnanimous means generous, and pusillanimous means cowardly. These are antonyms, therefore choice A is the correct anser, NOT Choice D.

That I can not answer, my friend;) peace out dude;)1960s rule!

HELP do you know the answer to any on word within word list twelve?!

no! so good luck with the impossible