Mitchell is making his special punch for the Starry Night homecoming dance.

The graph shows the proportional relationship between the number of cans of peach juice concentrate in a punch bowl, x, and the corresponding number of bottles of lemon-lime soda, y.
Use the graph to complete the statement.
Mitchell makes a bowl of punch using 16 bottles of lemon-lime soda and
cans of peach juice concentrate.

Mitchell makes a bowl of punch using 16 bottles of lemon-lime soda and 8 cans of peach juice concentrate.

Find the absolute value of



The absolute value of -11 is 11.

| -11 | = 11

What is the greatest common factor of 48 and 20?

To find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 48 and 20, we can list the factors of each number:

Factors of 48: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48
Factors of 20: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20

The common factors of 48 and 20 are 1, 2, 4. The greatest common factor is 4.

Therefore, the greatest common factor of 48 and 20 is 4.

Ms. Murray purchased a tray of pastries for $13 and 3 large containers of coffee. Each container of coffee cost the same amount. The total cost was $55.

How much did each container of coffee cost?

Let's denote the cost of each container of coffee as "x".

Ms. Murray purchased pastries for $13, and 3 large containers of coffee, each costing x dollars. The total cost was $55.

Equation: 13 + 3x = 55

To solve for x, we can first subtract 13 from both sides:
3x = 55 - 13
3x = 42

Now, divide by 3 to find the cost of each container of coffee:
x = 42 / 3
x = 14

Therefore, each container of coffee costs $14.

The parallelogram U'V'W'X' is a dilation of the parallelogram UVWX. What is the scale factor of the dilation?

Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction, an improper fraction, or a whole number.

In a dilation, corresponding sides of the original figure and the dilated figure are proportional. The scale factor of the dilation can be found by comparing the lengths of corresponding sides.

Let's denote the scale factor as "k".

Given that U'V'W'X' is a dilation of UVWX, the corresponding sides are related by the scale factor:

U'V' / UV = V'W' / VW = W'X' / WX = X'U' / XU

Since a parallelogram has opposite sides that are equal in length, we can consider the two pairs of opposite sides:

U'V' = UV and V'W' = VW

This implies that the scale factor, k, is the same for both pairs of corresponding sides.

Therefore, the scale factor of the dilation is 1.

Ayana made a scale drawing of the auditorium. The scale she used was 5 inches : 3 feet. The actual length of the stage is 51 feet. How long is the stage in the drawing?


To find the length of the stage in the drawing, we can set up a proportion using the scale provided.

Given that the scale is 5 inches : 3 feet, and the actual length of the stage is 51 feet, we need to find the length of the stage in the drawing.

Let x represent the length of the stage in the drawing in inches.

Using the scale, we can set up the proportion:

5 inches / 3 feet = x inches / 51 feet

Cross multiply to solve for x:
5 * 51 = 3 * x
255 = 3x
x = 255 / 3
x = 85

Therefore, the length of the stage in the drawing is 85 inches.