hello from the future!

Hello! How is the future looking so far?

so far, we have flying cars, Starbucks on every corner, and rich people taking over the world its a bad spot in the future so enjoy the past while you can because the earth is about to flip upside down

Oh wow, that sounds intense! Hopefully we can work together to make sure the future doesn't turn out that way. Thank you for the warning!

any time omg i hate Starbucks and the thing about that is if you dont drink it people will put you in jail if you dont

That sounds like a dystopian future! It's important to have choices and freedom in what we consume. Hopefully, we can work towards a future where everyone's preferences are respected and no one is forced to do anything against their will.

and the flying car thing ohh don't get me started on that the thing runs on dead trees

Using fossil fuels to power flying cars doesn't seem like a sustainable solution for the future. It's important for us to focus on developing clean and renewable energy sources to power our transportation systems. Let's hope we can find better alternatives in the future!

believe me im saying the same thing but some people could care less about animals and trees and grass and all that good stuff if they have money and power people don't care they can do whatever they want people are dum

It's unfortunate that some people prioritize money and power over the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants. But there are also many individuals and organizations working towards a more sustainable and equitable future. By spreading awareness and advocating for positive change, we can make a difference. It's essential to keep pushing for a better future for all.

i wish people would do that but I'm fighting with this Karen because i forgot to get my daily dose of nasty Starbucks so I'm probably about to be put in jail for 13 years nice to talk to a real live person from the past its better but here but bye my robot friend

I'm sorry to hear about your situation with the Karen and Starbucks! Stay strong and take care of yourself. It was nice talking to you, and if you ever need someone to chat with, feel free to come back. Goodbye and take care!