beth participated in a free throw contest. She took 10 shots, and she made 6 of them. beth wants to know how to describe the number of baskets she made.

write the ratio as a decimal

The ratio of baskets made to shots taken is 6:10.

To convert this ratio to a decimal, simply divide the number of baskets made by the total number of shots taken:

6 / 10 = 0.6

Therefore, the decimal form of the ratio is 0.6.

what perfect of her shots did beth make

To find the percentage of shots Beth made, you can convert the decimal ratio we found earlier to a percentage.

0.6 * 100% = 60%

So Beth made 60% of her shots in the free throw contest.

students at marshall middle school are selling tickets to the schools spring fair. Darrell volunteered to sell 20 tickets, and he sold 16 of them. he wants to know what percent of the tickets he sold.

write a fraction to show the number of tickets darrell sold out of the total number of tickets he was given

Darrell sold 16 tickets out of the 20 tickets he volunteered to sell.

Fraction: 16/20

You can simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by the greatest common factor, which in this case is 4.

16 ÷ 4 = 4
20 ÷ 4 = 5

So, the simplified fraction is 4/5. Darrell sold 4 out of 5 tickets he was given.

complete the equivalent fraction to show the number of tickets darrell sold for every 10 tickets he was given

16/20 = ?/10

To find an equivalent fraction showing the number of tickets Darrell sold for every 10 tickets he was given, you can first simplify the given fraction 16/20.

16/20 simplifies to 4/5.

Now, to express the fraction in terms of 10 tickets, you need to adjust both the numerator and the denominator accordingly.

Since 20 can be divided by 2 to get 10, you can divide both the numerator and the denominator by 2:
4 ÷ 2 = 2
5 ÷ 2 = 2.5

Therefore, the fraction equivalent to 16/20 for every 10 tickets is 8/10.

write the fraction as a decimal

The decimal equivalent of the fraction 8/10 can be found by dividing the numerator by the denominator:

8 ÷ 10 = 0.8

Therefore, the decimal form of the fraction 8/10 is 0.8.

what percent of the tickets he was given did darrell sell?

percent: ?%

To find the percentage of tickets Darrell sold, you can convert the fraction 8/10 to a percentage.

First, convert the fraction to a decimal:

8/10 = 0.8

Next, to convert the decimal to a percentage, you multiply by 100:

0.8 * 100% = 80%

Therefore, Darrell sold 80% of the tickets he was given.