What is the volume of a triangular prism if the base of the triangle is 6 cm, the height of the triangle is 8 cm, and the length of the entire prism is 10 cm?

A. 240 сm³
B. 960 сm³
C. 24 сm³
D. 480 сm³

The volume of a triangular prism can be calculated using the formula:

Volume = (1/2 * base * height) * length

Plugging in the values given:
Volume = (1/2 * 6 cm * 8 cm) * 10 cm
Volume = (24 cm²) * 10 cm
Volume = 240 cm³

Therefore, the volume of the triangular prism is 240 cm³.

A. 240 сm³

Simplify this expression: 7⁰

A. 7

B. 0

C. 1

D. 70

The expression 7⁰ can be simplified as 7 raised to the power of 0. Any number raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1.

Therefore, 7⁰ simplifies to 1.

C. 1

Use the product rule to simplify the expression: 5¹⁰ x 5³

A. 25¹³

B. 5⁷

C. 5¹³

D. 5³⁰

The product rule states that when multiplying two numbers with the same base, you add the exponents.

In this case, we have:

5¹⁰ x 5³ = 5^(10+3) = 5^13

Therefore, the simplified expression is 5^13.

C. 5¹³

Simplify the expression by combining like terms.

4y + 5x - 2y + 7x

A. 2y + 12x

B. 8y + 35x

C. 6y + 2x

D. 6y + 12x

To simplify the expression by combining like terms, we need to add or subtract the coefficients of the terms with the same variables.

Given expression: 4y + 5x - 2y + 7x

Combining like terms for y and x separately:
(4y - 2y) + (5x + 7x) = 2y + 12x

Therefore, the simplified expression is 2y + 12x.

A. 2y + 12x

Why do most people in Southeast Asia live near river deltas and on volcanic islands?

A. because of the abundant rainfall
B. because of the fertile soil
C. because of the isolation from invaders
D.because of the mild climate conditions

B. because of the fertile soil

Most people in Southeast Asia live near river deltas and on volcanic islands because these areas tend to have fertile soil which is beneficial for agriculture. The volcanic soil is rich in nutrients and river deltas provide access to water sources for irrigation, making the land suitable for farming. This availability of fertile land plays a significant role in the settlement patterns in the region.

Drag and drop the country names to classify them by their majority religion.

Buddhism: _____

Christianity: _____

Islam: ______

A. Indonesia

B. Thailand

C. Malaysia

D. the Philippines


A. Indonesia
B. Thailand

D. the Philippines

C. Malaysia