What is the first step in career planning?

A. Marketing
B. Self-assessment
C. Interviewing
D. Job search

During the school year, which student would be the best match for this job?

A. Lisa goes to school every day and is often late.
B. Juanita has good attendance and good work skills.
C. Mike studies hard and plays in all afterschool programs
D. Shawn will graduate early and attend an out-of-state college.

Advances in technology have increased the number of people needed to-

A. Develop computer software
B. Teach children in schools
C. Work on assembly lines
D. Serve in the military

What term describes a company that is authorized to operate as a legal person?

A. Proprietorship
B. Corporation
C. Partnership
D. Entrepreneur

This agreement is an example of how the United States takes part in a-

A. Regulatory organization
B. Military agreement
C. Global economy
D. Finance clauses

- To obtain goods and services they cannot produce or produce efficiently themselves

- To buy goods and services at a lower cost or a lower opportunity cost
-To sell goods and services to other countries
The above list are reasons why-
A. Tax revenue pays for public goods
B. Government tent to be isolationists
C. States and nations engage in trade
D. Government promote competition

B. Self-assessment

B. Juanita has good attendance and good work skills.

A. Develop computer software

B. Corporation

C. Global economy

C. States and nations engage in trade