tiana looks at a map to find the best route from her house to her friends house. the map has a scale of 4 centimeters = 3 miles the distance of the route is 8 centimeters on the map.

what is the actual distance from tianas house to her friends house?

map distance (cm): 4 8
actual distance (mil): 3 ?

Actual distance = (8 cm / 4 cm) * 3 miles

Actual distance = 2 * 3 miles
Actual distance = 6 miles

Therefore, the actual distance from Tiana's house to her friend's house is 6 miles.

complete the statement to show and equivalent ratio

18:10 is equivalent to ?:5

To find the missing number that completes the equivalent ratio of 18:10 to ?:5, we can set up a proportion:

18/10 = x/5

Cross multiply:
10x = 18 * 5
10x = 90
x = 90/10
x = 9

Therefore, 18:10 is equivalent to 9:5.

complete the statement to show an equivalent ratio

3:15 is equivalent to 1:?

To find the missing number that completes the equivalent ratio of 3:15 to 1:x, we can set up a proportion:

3/15 = 1/x

Cross multiply:
3x = 15 * 1
3x = 15
x = 15/3
x = 5

Therefore, 3:15 is equivalent to 1:5.

which ratio is equivalent to 2:3


To find which ratio is equivalent to 2:3, we need to check which ratio simplifies to 2:3.

Let's simplify each ratio down to its simplest form and check:

1. 8:12
Simplifying 8:12 gives us 2:3
So, 8:12 is equivalent to 2:3

2. 9:10
This does not simplify to 2:3

3. 10:9
This does not simplify to 2:3

4. 12:8
Simplifying 12:8 gives us 3:2, not 2:3

So, the ratio that is equivalent to 2:3 is 8:12.

which ratio is equivalent to 10:2


To find which ratio is equivalent to 10:2, we need to simplify the ratio 10:2 to its simplest form and then check which of the given ratios matches.

10:2 simplifies to 5:1

Now let's compare it with the given ratios:

1. 2:8 does not match the simplified ratio 5:1
2. 3:15 does not match the simplified ratio 5:1
3. 5:1 matches the simplified ratio 5:1
4. 9:3 does not match the simplified ratio 5:1

Therefore, the ratio that is equivalent to 10:2 is 5:1.

which ones are equivalent to 24:4 choose all the equivalent ratios


To determine which ratios are equivalent to 24:4, we need to simplify the ratio 24:4 to its simplest form, which is 6:1, and then compare it with the given ratios.

1. 6:1 - This is equivalent to 24:4
2. 8:4 - This simplifies to 2:1, which is not equivalent.
3. 12:2 - This simplifies to 6:1, which is equivalent to 24:4.
4. 15:3 - This simplifies to 5:1, which is not equivalent.

Therefore, the two equivalent ratios to 24:4 are:
- 6:1
- 12:2