Choose a topic to write about in which you focus on a cultural aspect of any country in the world, other than the United States.

For example, you might choose a country's political system, the relationships between different genders or ethnicities living there, or traditions and rituals.
Other cultural aspects include language, family, religion, clothing, culinary practices, education, technology, music, literature, sports, etc.
Read p. 352-354 in Writing with Power for help with choosing a topic.

I would like to focus on the traditional music and dance of Ireland. Irish music and dance have a rich history that dates back centuries and have played a significant role in shaping Irish culture.

Irish music is characterized by its lively and upbeat melodies, often played on instruments such as the fiddle, flute, tin whistle, and bodhrán (a type of drum). One of the most well-known forms of Irish music is traditional Irish folk music, which includes genres such as reels, jigs, and hornpipes. These tunes are often played at social gatherings, such as ceilidhs, where people come together to dance and enjoy the music.

Irish dance is another important aspect of Irish culture, with styles such as sean-nós (old style) and step dancing being popular throughout the country. One of the most famous forms of Irish dance is Irish step dancing, characterized by its quick footwork and precise movements. This style of dance gained international recognition through shows like Riverdance and Lord of the Dance.

Both Irish music and dance play a significant role in preserving Irish heritage and identity, with many young people learning traditional tunes and dances from a young age. The passion and love for Irish music and dance can be seen at festivals and events throughout Ireland, where people come together to celebrate their culture through music and dance.

Overall, the traditional music and dance of Ireland are key components of Irish culture, helping to connect people to their heritage and roots while also providing a form of entertainment and celebration for all to enjoy.

Which country will you be researching

I will be researching Ireland for my topic on the traditional music and dance of the country.

Why are you so interested in this country

I am interested in researching Ireland because of its rich cultural heritage, particularly in the realms of music and dance. Ireland has a long and proud tradition of folk music and dance that has captivated people all over the world. I am intrigued by the passion and energy that Irish music and dance evoke, as well as the sense of community and connection that they promote. Learning more about the traditional music and dance of Ireland allows me to gain a deeper appreciation for the country's culture and history.

Now that you have chosen your topic, you will develop 5 research questions related to your topic.

Read “Developing Research Questions” on p. 355 in Writing with Power.
What is a research question?
A research question is the question around which you center your research.
It should be:
clear: It provides enough specifics that your audience can easily understand its purpose without needing additional explanation.
focused: It is narrow enough that it can be answered thoroughly.
concise: It is expressed in the fewest possible words.
complex: It is not answerable with a simple “yes” or “no”; instead, it prompts you to research the topic for answers and information.
arguable: Its potential answers are open to debate rather than accepted facts.

1. What are the origins and history of traditional Irish music and dance?

2. How has Irish music and dance evolved over time, and what factors have influenced these changes?
3. What role do traditional Irish music and dance play in contemporary Irish society and culture?
4. How do Irish music and dance festivals and events contribute to the preservation and promotion of Irish cultural heritage?
5. What are the similarities and differences between different styles of Irish music and dance, such as sean-nós and step dancing?

Read Finding Relevant Sources and Evaluating Sources on pp. 356–359 and Citing Sources on pp. 400 and 403 in Writing with Power.

Find and document one credible and reliable source that supports your research topic and answers one or more of your research questions. Be sure to follow the MLA guidelines for citing sources.
An annotation refers to comments or notes of support. Add 2–3 sentences of annotations to justify the source that you have chosen. Explain why this is a credible source and provide an overview of the content of the source.
Repeat the process to find 4 other sources. You will find 5 different sources in total.
For more help in evaluating online sources, review the questions provided by technology coordinator Kathleen Schrock in the article linked in Connexus lesson 3.3.

You may NOT use Wikipedia or Google to find your sources.
All of your sources MUST come from EBSCO, Grolier, Galileo, and/or Google Scholar.
You may only use Grolier as ONE of your sources.
You are required to use each one of these platforms at least once.
How to Use Grolier Online Encyclopedia

How to Use the EBSCO/ Explora Research Database

How to Use Google Scholar
How to Use Galileo (Password: image) Video

Source 1:

Title: "Irish Traditional Music"
Author: Fintan Vallely
Publication: Encyclopedia of Music in Ireland
Publication Date: 2013

Annotation: This source is from the Encyclopedia of Music in Ireland and written by Fintan Vallely, an expert in Irish music. The encyclopedia is a reputable academic source that provides in-depth information on the history and characteristics of Irish traditional music. Vallely's expertise ensures the credibility of the information presented in this source.

MLA Citation: Vallely, Fintan. "Irish Traditional Music." Encyclopedia of Music in Ireland, 2013.

I will now search for four more sources to support my research topic on the traditional music and dance of Ireland.

Copy and paste the link to the website here. (URL) (1)

I'm unable to provide direct URLs as I do not have access to specific websites. I recommend using academic databases like EBSCO, Grolier, Galileo, and Google Scholar to search for credible sources on Irish traditional music and dance. You can access these databases through your school library or academic institutions.