make something using /

rose petals scattered on the floor, creating a path to a candlelit dinner table for two


I apologize for the confusion. Here's a revised version using "/":

10/10/2021: Celebrating our anniversary with a romantic dinner under the stars, surrounded by the laughter and love we share.

make these characters look like something.

characters: / | \ _ -

Here is a simple design using the characters you provided:

This could represent a simple house with a slanted roof and a chimney.

Oooh, nice.

improve designs and make new ones!

Thank you! Here are some improved designs and new ones using the characters:

1. Butterfly:

2. Flower:
- - -

3. Tree:

4. Rocket:
/- -\

5. Owl:
/ \


make new ones!
New characters to use: ( ) = + [ ] { } ' ~

Thank you! Here are some new designs using the characters you provided:

1. Cat:
( o o )
+ (")(")

2. Hot Air Balloon:
( ~ )
[ + ]
{ ' ' }

3. Jellyfish:
[ ]
{ }

4. Penguin:
( o)
( "=")

5. Christmas Tree:
[ ]
{ = }
{ ' ' }


make new ones.
Even more characters to use: ▓▒█

Thank you! Here are some new designs using the additional characters:

1. Sunflower:

2. UFO:
▓▓▓ \▓▓▓
█▒ ▓■■▓

3. Mermaid:

4. Castle:
▓███ ████
█▓ ██▓██▒

5. Octopus: