The following is an excerpt from the novel My Àntonia by Willa Cather.

As I looked about me I felt that the grass was the country, as the water is the sea. The
red of the grass made all the great prairie the colour of winestains, or of certain
seaweeds when they are first washed up. And there was so much motion in it; the whole
country seemed, somehow, to be running.

What is the implication of the analogy in the passage?
The narrator is looking out of a train and the rocking motion is making her feel seasick.
The narrator is overwhelmed by the vastness, richness, and variety of the prairie she sees.
The narrator is viewing a portion of the landscape that is changing from grasslands to sandy desert.

The implication of the analogy in the passage is that the narrator is overwhelmed by the vastness, richness, and variety of the prairie she sees.

Alexander Fleming had no idea on the morning of September 28, 1928, that he was

about to save millions of lives. Returning to his lab after vacation, Fleming began sorting
through his experiments. He discovered that mold had invaded a culture dish in which
colonies of Staphylococcus bacteria were growing. The area adjacent to the mold was
clear; the mold had prevented bacterial growth. That serendipitous accident led to the
development of the antibiotic penicillin. It was fourteen years before penicillin was used
on a patient, but its potential was quickly realized. It was among the most significant
medical discoveries in history, for which Fleming was awarded the Nobel prize.

Which fictional technique used in this passage helps the reader comprehend the
importance of the subject?
Extreme exaggeration is used throughout the passage, which identifies it as opinion rather than fact.
A dramatic statement is used in the first sentence to grab readers' attention for the story that follows.
Including personal details about Fleming helps set the scene for the surprise that concludes the passage.

A dramatic statement is used in the first sentence to grab readers' attention for the story that follows.

Did you know that only three countries in the entire world don't regularly use the

metric system? Myanmar, Liberia, and the United States are the only nations mainly
weighing in pounds and measuring in inches. That must change, and luckily, that won't
be hard because the metric system is easier to use. Congress has already passed an act
that committed the U.S. to converting to the metric system. It is about time the nation
implemented it.

Which statement needs supporting evidence?
Changing to the metric system won't be hard.
Congress has already passed on act that committed the U.S.
Only the United States and two other countries don't use the metric system.

Changing to the metric system won't be hard.

Our school district should require that all high-school students take a minimum of

one class in the arts before graduation. Engagement in music, theater, visual arts, or
creative writing is known to have real benefits. Greater exposure to the arts will
make our students more broadly educated. In addition, creative pursuits can also
improve student achievement in the core subjects: math, language arts, and

What would be needed to better support this argument?
information from a student who takes part in the arts and supports the proposal
data showing that a number of other school districts require at least one class in the arts
research linking student involvement in the arts with benefits such as improvement in other school subjects

Research linking student involvement in the arts with benefits such as improvement in other school subjects would be needed to better support this argument.

Laura knew there was no denying Mrs. Stockton had been a wonderful adviser all

year. In fact, she doubted she would have made such amazing strides in her art
without her. Mrs. Stockton had been generous in sharing the wisdom she had
acquired over a lifetime of working in the arts. She had even helped Laura fully
develop her techniques. Now, however, Mrs. Stockton was suggesting Laura not
enter a national art contest. This went against Laura's own instincts.

How does the relationship between Laura and Mrs. Stockton affect the plot?
It motivates Laura to enter the national art contest because she now questions Mrs. Stockton's wisdom.
It creates a roadblock for Laura as she will have to weigh her adviser's advice against her desire to enter the contest.
It resolves Laura's conflict about whether or not to trust her own instincts about art.

It creates a roadblock for Laura as she will have to weigh her adviser's advice against her desire to enter the contest.

Making a temporary magnet is a fascinating scientific process you can do at home. You'll need only a paperclip (which will become your temporary magnet) and a refrigerator magnet. You'll also want a piece of metal such as a nail to test out your magnet. Rub the magnet against the paperclip using a quick motion. Move it in the same direction, like dealing cards, rather than back and forth. Repeat that motion fifty times, as quickly as you can. Congratulations! You've made a temporary magnet, provided you've followed these directions.

What might make this process fail?
using a metal object other than a nail to test out the magnet
testing out the magnet several days after making it
rubbing the paperclip against the magnet too rapidly

rubbing the paperclip against the magnet too rapidly