Through the use of the elements and principles of art, this artist was able to

(1 point)


convey a specific message or concept in their artwork.

are you sure

Yes, I am sure. The elements and principles of art are the basic building blocks of visual art and can be used by artists to create and communicate meaning in their artwork. By manipulating these elements and principles, such as line, shape, color, texture, balance, rhythm, and proportion, artists are able to effectively convey their message, evoke emotions, or express a specific concept.

Which of the following best describes how the image represents artistic experimentation and initiative?

(1 point)

It is difficult to answer this question without more specific information about the image in question. However, artistic experimentation and initiative can be represented in various ways, such as through the use of unconventional materials or techniques, innovative approaches to composition or subject matter, or pushing the boundaries of traditional artistic practices. The image may demonstrate these qualities if it showcases any of these aspects or if it breaks away from conventional artistic norms in some way.

Which of the following best describes how the image represents artistic experimentation and initiative?

(1 point)

The use of computer animation makes more accurate images.
The use of computer animation makes more accurate images.
The realistic depiction of the body is a break from the past.
The realistic depiction of the body is a break from the past.
The image shows the heart as imagined by the artist.
The image shows the heart as imagined by the artist.
Artists typically do not make medical drawings.

The image shows the heart as imagined by the artist.

Which of the following most influences the art of tessellations?

(1 point)

language arts
language arts
social studies
social studies


What is the purpose of this map?

(1 point)

to represent a story that was in the imagination of the artist
to represent a story that was in the imagination of the artist
to show what Europe looked like at a particular moment of time
to show what Europe looked like at a particular moment of time
to illustrate how individuals imagined Europe looked
to illustrate how individuals imagined Europe looked
to show that the world was flat

The purpose of this map is to show what Europe looked like at a particular moment in time.