Is 1/6⋅9/10>1/6 ? Enter 1 for yes. Enter 2 for no


okay but how would u solve it we have 2 show our work

To solve the expression (1/6) * (9/10) > 1/6, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression on the left side of the inequality:
(1/6) * (9/10) = 9/60 = 3/20

Step 2: Rewrite the inequality:
3/20 > 1/6

Step 3: To compare the two fractions, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator (LCD) is 20.

Step 4: Convert both fractions to have the same denominator:
3/20 > 1/6
Multiply the numerator and denominator of 1/6 by 20:
3/20 > (1/6) * (20/20)
3/20 > 20/120

Step 5: Simplify the right side of the inequality:
20/120 = 1/6

Step 6: Compare the two fractions:
3/20 > 1/6

Since 3/20 is not greater than 1/6, the statement is false. Thus, the answer is 2 (no).

what does * stand for when u use them

In mathematics and programming, the asterisk symbol (*) is commonly used to represent the multiplication operation. When used between two numbers or expressions, it indicates that they should be multiplied together.

Compute the product of 1/2⋅5/7 , then use that answer to complete this comparison statement: 1/2⋅5/7 __ 1/2 . Enter > or < for your response

To compute the product of (1/2) * (5/7), we follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the numerators: 1 * 5 = 5
Step 2: Multiply the denominators: 2 * 7 = 14

Therefore, (1/2) * (5/7) = 5/14.

Now, to complete the comparison statement, we compare 5/14 with 1/2:

5/14 < 1/2

Hence, the answer is < (less than).

Enter > or < to make this statement true: 6/5⋅9/2 __ 6/5 .

To determine whether the statement 6/5 * 9/2 __ 6/5 is true, we need to compute the products and compare them:

Step 1: Compute the product of (6/5) * (9/2):

(6/5) * (9/2) = (6 * 9) / (5 * 2) = 54/10 = 27/5

Step 2: Compare 27/5 with 6/5:

27/5 > 6/5

Hence, the answer is > (greater than).

Which of the following will make the statement true: 3/11 , 13/5 , 1? 3/11⋅ _____ >3/11

To make the statement 3/11 * _____ > 3/11 true, we need to fill in the blank with a number greater than 1.

Out of the given options, the number that is greater than 1 is 13/5.

So, the completed statement becomes:

3/11 * 13/5 > 3/11