Use the sentence to answer the question.

Joe trained all summer long. As a result, he made the track team.

Which type of relationship is signaled by the transition as a result?
1 point
problem and solution
cause and effect

cause and effect

Use the sentence to answer the question.

Because so many people used the company's poorly made product, the lawyers decided to file a class-action lawsuit in order to represent all the consumers as a group.

Which word or phrase from the sentence uses domain-specific language?

poorly made product
class-action lawsuit

class-action lawsuit

Use the sentence to answer the question.

Saturday morning, the shopping center buzzed with activity as people went in and out of stores.

Which change would make the language in the sentence more precise?
1 point

replacing Saturday morning with earlier
replacing shopping center with building
replacing buzzed with moved
replacing went with dashed

replacing buzzed with moved

What elements should be included in an introductory paragraph?

An introductory paragraph should typically include the following elements:

1. Hook or attention-grabbing statement: This is a sentence or a few sentences designed to capture the reader's attention and make them interested in reading further.

2. Background information: Provide some context or background information on the topic you will be discussing in your essay or article, giving the reader necessary information to understand the subject.

3. Thesis statement: This is the main argument or point of your essay, which you will be supporting and expanding on in the subsequent paragraphs.

4. Preview of the main points: Briefly mention the main points or arguments that you will be discussing in the body paragraphs, giving the reader an outline of the structure of your essay.

Remember, the specific elements and their order may vary depending on the type of writing and the style guide being followed.

Use the excerpt to answer the question.

Jazz is a form of music that originated in New Orleans, Louisiana. Jazz is derived from other forms of music, such as blues and ragtime. New Orleans in the 1900s included not only the blues and ragtime, but opera, marching band music, church music, and African American drumming styles. These many styles blended to become what is known today as jazz music.

Two of the most important figures in the history of jazz are Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong. Both men brought American jazz to the world for careers spanning over five decades. Armstrong is most well-known for his trumpet and cornet playing, as well as composing songs and singing. Ellington, a pianist, big band leader, and composer, wrote thousands of music scores over his career. Their influence as artists and musicians affects the world of music every day.

Read the introductory and body paragraphs above and write your own concluding paragraph.

In conclusion, jazz music, with its roots in the rich music scene of New Orleans, has evolved into a genre that continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong, two influential figures in the history of jazz, have left an indelible mark on the music industry through their talent and contributions. The fusion of different musical styles and the remarkable artistry of these musicians have shaped the landscape of jazz, and their influence resonates to this day. With its infectious rhythms, improvisation, and vibrant expressions, jazz remains a cherished and celebrated form of musical expression, embracing the diversity and innovation that continue to define the genre.

Why are headings important in informative texts?

As part of your response to the question, please also provide 2 examples of informative texts that use headings.

Headings are important in informative texts for several reasons:

1. Organization and structure: Headings provide a clear and logical structure to the content, allowing readers to navigate and find specific information quickly. They break down the text into manageable sections, making it easier for readers to follow the flow of the information.

2. Reader engagement: Headings grab the reader's attention and give them an idea of what each section of the text will cover. This helps to engage the reader and maintain their interest throughout the text.

Example 1: Scientific Research Article
Heading 1: Introduction
Heading 2: Methods
Heading 3: Participants
Heading 4: Materials
Heading 5: Procedure
Heading 6: Results
Heading 7: Discussion
Heading 8: Conclusion

Example 2: Travel Guide
Heading 1: Destination Overview
Heading 2: Getting There
Heading 3: Accommodation Options
Heading 4: Must-See Attractions
Heading 5: Local Cuisine
Heading 6: Transportation
Heading 7: Safety Tips
Heading 8: Final Thoughts

These examples demonstrate how headings help to organize and structure informative texts, presenting information in a clear and concise manner for readers.