Multiply ⅘ by 7 ⅓. Convert the product to be a mixed number.(1 point)

To multiply ⅘ and 7 ⅓, first convert both fractions to improper fractions:

⅘ = 4/5
7 ⅓ = (7 * 3 + 1) / 3 = 22/3

Now, multiply the fractions: (4/5) * (22/3) = (4 * 22) / (5 * 3) = 88/15

To convert the improper fraction 88/15 to a mixed number, divide the numerator (88) by the denominator (15):

88 ÷ 15 = 5 remainder 13

Therefore, the mixed number is 5 13/15.

In a survey of teenagers, ⅔ responded that they got regular exercise, and ⅘ of those said that walking was their main form of exercise. What fraction of the teenagers mainly exercise by walking? (1 point) Responses 1715 1 and 7 over 15 815 8 over 15 68 6 eighths 34

To find the fraction of teenagers who mainly exercise by walking, we need to multiply the fractions ⅔ and ⅘:

(⅔) * (⅘) = (2/3) * (4/5) = 8/15

Therefore, the fraction of teenagers who mainly exercise by walking is 8/15.

Clarissa cycled at 12 1/2 miles per hour for 2 ½ hours. How far did she travel?(1 point) Responses 15 15 25 25 3114 31 and 1 fourth 10 10

To calculate the distance Clarissa traveled, we need to multiply her speed, given as 12 1/2 miles per hour, by the time she traveled, given as 2 1/2 hours.

First, convert 12 1/2 to an improper fraction: 12 1/2 = (12*2 + 1) / 2 = 25/2.

Next, convert 2 1/2 to an improper fraction: 2 1/2 = (2*2 + 1) / 2 = 5/2.

Now, multiply the fractions: (25/2) * (5/2) = (25*5) / (2*2) = 125/4.

Therefore, Clarissa traveled 125/4 miles, which can also be expressed as 31 1/4 miles.

Compute: 911 ÷ 13 . Simplify the answer if possible.(1 point)

When you divide 911 by 13, you get 70 with a remainder of 1. Therefore, the simplified answer is 70 remainder 1, or simply 70.

Question Ayub is making ¼ foot long bracelets for each of his friends. He has 1 ½ feet of cord to make the bracelets. How many bracelets can he make?(1 point) Responses 6 bracelets 6 bracelets ⅓ bracelets ⅓ bracelets ⅜ bracelets ⅜ bracelets 0. He doesn't have enough cord.

To find the number of bracelets Ayub can make, we need to divide the total length of cord (1 ½ feet) by the length of each bracelet (1/4 foot):

1 ½ feet = 1 + 1/2 = 2/2 + 1/2 = 3/2 feet

Now, divide 3/2 feet by 1/4 foot:

(3/2) ÷ (1/4) = (3/2) * (4/1) = (3 * 4) / (2 * 1) = 12/2 = 6

Therefore, Ayub can make 6 bracelets with the 1 ½ feet of cord that he has.

What is the quotient of 8/9 ÷ 5? Simplify answer if needed.(1 point)

To divide 8/9 by 5, we will multiply the numerator (8/9) by the reciprocal of the denominator (5), which is 1/5:

(8/9) ÷ 5 = (8/9) * (1/5) = (8 * 1) / (9 * 5) = 8/45

Thus, the quotient of 8/9 ÷ 5 is 8/45.