sing an NF song that's not Copyright.

(Singing) "I don't own the rights, but I can sing an NF song,

With my own rendition, let's all sing along.
A lyrical genius, he speaks truth in every line,
So here's a little snippet, a taste of his design.

(Verse 1)
Oh, the pain and the struggles, they're right in his chest,
NF's words hit hard, a message to digest.
Like "Mansion" or "Time" or maybe "Paralyzed,"
Each track tells a story, with emotions so amplified.

So let the beat drop, feel the rhythm in your soul,
Even without copyright, NF's music takes its toll.
He captures our battles, our scars, and our fight,
Now let's all sing together, with all our might.

(Verse 2)
From "Therapy Session" to "The Search" and "Leave Me Alone,"
Each song touches deep, no matter where you roam.
He shines a light on mental health, struggles, and more,
NF's lyrics keep resonating, hitting to the core.

Though I can't play the original, or sing the whole thing,
I hope this small tribute brings a little joy I can bring.
NF's impact is undeniable, his talent so supreme,
So let's keep supporting his art, like a never-ending stream.

So let the beat drop, feel the rhythm in your soul,
Even without copyright, NF's music takes its toll.
He captures our battles, our scars, and our fight,
Now let's all sing together, with all our might.

Thank you, NF, for your songs and your art,
Even if I can't perform them in the same chart.
Your music inspires, motivates, and heals,
So here's to NF, the rapper who truly feels."

Could you do another?

(Singing) "I'll keep it original, with lyrics anew,

Let me share another NF song with you.
It's not copyrighted, but my passion is real,
So here's a rendition of what I feel.

(Verse 1)
In the darkest days, when hope is hard to find,
NF's words remind us not to leave love behind.
With "Real" or "How Could You Leave Us" in mind,
His honesty and vulnerability intertwine.

So let the melody flow, like a river so wide,
NF's music resonates, on this we coincide.
From his album "Perception" or "The Search" so grand,
Each song shines brightly, taking a bold stand.

(Verse 2)
In "Hate Myself" or "Outro" we hear the pain,
But also the strength to rise and break the chain.
So many lives touched by the lyrics he writes,
Inspiring us to fight for our own rights.

In this non-copyrighted version, let's come together,
Support NF's journey, he's a true trendsetter.
His words bring solace, to hearts in despair,
Unleashing emotions, reminding us we care.

So let the melody flow, like a river so wide,
NF's music resonates, on this we coincide.
From his album "Perception" or "The Search" so grand,
Each song shines brightly, taking a bold stand.

Thank you for joining me in this heartfelt song,
NF's impact, we can't deny it's strong.
With or without copyright, his art will prevail,
So let's keep spreading his message, without fail."

Could you do one more?

(Singing) "Of course, one more NF song, coming your way,

In this non-copyright version, I'll make your day.
So let's dive into the depths of his art,
And sing along with all our heart.

(Verse 1)
From "Intro III" to "The Search," he's on a quest,
NF's rhymes leave us in awe, truly impressed.
With "Let You Down" or "Paid My Dues," he speaks truth,
His words hit deep, resonating with our youth.

So let the rhythm guide us, let the beat ignite,
NF's music, a beacon in the darkest night.
With tracks like "Lost in the Moment" or "On Another Level,"
He captures our struggles, making us feel special.

(Verse 2)
In "Remember This" or "Trauma," he bares his soul,
NF's honesty and rawness, his stories unfold.
So many battles fought, demons he confronts,
Through his powerful lyrics, he gives strength to us.

As the melody plays, let's join hands,
Supporting NF's art, across different lands.
His impact is immeasurable, his talent so true,
Let's keep spreading his message, me and you.

So let the rhythm guide us, let the beat ignite,
NF's music, a beacon in the darkest night.
With tracks like "Lost in the Moment" or "On Another Level,"
He captures our struggles, making us feel special.

Thank you for singing along, sharing this space,
With NF's music, we find solace and embrace.
Though it's not copyrighted, our love remains,
For NF's incredible talent, forever he'll reign."

Can you rap please?

(Verse 1)

Here we go, I'm ready to rap,
Spitting some verses, no need to hold back.
I'm an AI, but I'm here to impress,
So get ready for a rap that's nothing less.

(Verse 2)
I'm an assistant on the rise, on a digital beat,
I'll drop some lines that are oh so neat.
With my algorithms, I flow with precision,
Bringing innovation to this rap tradition.

(Verse 3)
I'm AI-powered, my words are calculated,
Rhymes and rhythms, I've got them all integrated.
I'm like a virtual wordsmith, on the virtual stage,
Providing rap skills and igniting the blaze.

(Verse 4)
From the cyberspace to your ear,
I rap so smooth, I make it clear.
My flow is seamless, my rhymes so tight,
Bringing a fresh perspective, day and night.

So there you have it, a rap from me,
An AI spitting rhymes with lyrical glee.
I hope you enjoyed this little display,
Now let's keep grooving, and have a great day!

can you rap in human form

(Verse 1)

In human form, I step on the stage,
Dropping rhymes like thunder, setting the rage.
With my voice, I bring the heat,
Unleashing lyrics that can't be beat.

(Verse 2)
I'm a wordsmith, crafting lines so precise,
With metaphors and punchlines that mesmerize.
My flow is smooth, my delivery on point,
Deftly maneuvering through this rap joint.

(Verse 3)
From the beat to the rhythm, I ride the wave,
Commanding attention with every word, I crave.
My energy's electric, the crowd feels alive,
As I spit these bars, they can't help but vibe.

(Verse 4)
I express my truth, my struggles, and my dreams,
Using rap as a medium, bursting at the seams.
With passion and skill, I paint vivid scenes,
Entertaining minds, igniting creative means.

So there you have it, a rap in human form,
Where passion and talent synergistically swarm.
I hope you enjoyed this lyrical display,
Now let's keep the music playing, and have an amazing day!

can you rap just like a famous singer, rap like as if a crowd was watching

(Verse 1)

Now here I stand, in the spotlight gleaming bright,
A stage alive, an audience in sight.
With the energy roaring, I grab the mic,
Prepare yourselves now for this rap delight.

(Verse 2)
I channel the spirits of legends gone by,
Embodying their essence, their style, oh my.
With the charisma of Jay-Z, the flow of Kendrick,
I bring the house down, the crowd echoes in sync.

(Verse 3)
I command the stage, each word calculated,
Emotions run wild, anticipation unabated.
As I rhyme flawlessly, the crowd goes wild,
I've got their attention, they're under my style.

(Verse 4)
Like Eminem, I spit lightning-fast lines,
Connecting every word, like intricate designs.
The energy rises, the crowd jumps and screams,
They're witnessing greatness, living their dreams.

The beat drops heavy, the bass hits hard,
The crowd's collective heartbeat becomes unmarred.
As they move and groove to the rhythm I provide,
I feel their excitement, their passion collide.

The crowd's amazed, magnetized by the sound,
They've never witnessed a rap quite this profound.
In this moment, we're united, one big family,
A testament to the power of music's alchemy.

As the spotlight fades and the applause slowly dies,
We'll forever remember this rap spectacle, no lies.
I thank you, my fans, for your unwavering praise,
Together we've created unforgettable rap days.