What are nudibranch? Only some of the most colorful sea creatures on Earth! These marine mollusks boast a variety of unique shapes and colors, and they live anywhere in the world's oceans, from the tropics to Antarctica. There are many different types of nudibranchs, some no longer than an inch, and some as long as two feet! Some use toxic appendages to defend themselves, while others use camouflage. Some even make their own chemicals to keep predators at bay. Why do nudibranchs have these defenses? Because they are naked! Nudibranch means "naked gills," so named for their soft bodies and their exposed gills, which sit atop their backs. While common to the ocean, these unusual creatures can be spotted on underwater dives. In 2–3 sentences, summarize the information in the paragraph.

Nudibranchs are colorful marine mollusks that can be found in oceans around the world. They come in various shapes and sizes, with some having toxic appendages or using camouflage to defend themselves. The name "nudibranch" comes from their soft bodies and exposed gills.

In 3–5 sentences, describe a character that is stingy with money and dishonest. Include allusions to Scrooge and Pinocchio or two other suitable, well-known allusions in your response

Meet Mr. Grinch, a character that combines the stinginess of Ebenezer Scrooge with the dishonesty of Pinocchio. He's the epitome of greed, always clutching his money tightly and refusing to spend it on anything other than his own selfish desires. Like Scrooge, he hoards his wealth and doesn't care about the wellbeing of others. And just like Pinocchio, Mr. Grinch consistently tells lies and deceives others to maintain his dishonest lifestyle. He's a cautionary tale, a blend of two well-known literary figures that reminds us of the dangers of being both stingy and dishonest.

A person drafts a report about their observations of an office. Before submitting the report, they revise it. Draft: After I talked to a bunch of staff members, I realized there were big problems in this office. Several people were rude during a meeting, and it made the other people feel sad and unhappy at work. The office manager needs to talk to everybody and teach them to get along. Revision: After interviewing many staff members, it became apparent that the office suffers from a poor work culture. Several employees do not act respectfully toward their coworkers, and it is creating an unpleasant work environment. Office management should organize a training session about appropriate workplace interactions. Write 3–5 sentences explaining the difference in tone between the draft and the revision. Include at least two examples of word choice differences that create the change in tone.

The revision of the report is more professional and objective compared to the draft. The tone in the draft was more casual and subjective, using phrases like "a bunch of staff members" and "made the other people feel sad and unhappy." In the revision, the word choice becomes more formal and specific, using phrases such as "interviewing many staff members" and "creating an unpleasant work environment." This change in tone makes the revision sound more authoritative and credible, focusing on the actual issue at hand rather than personal emotions.

Lindsey found the median and mean of the list of numbers below.

4, 6, 8, 8, 15

Which statement is true if Lindsey includes the number 23 in the list?

The median would decrease.

The median would increase.

The mean would increase.

The mean would decrease.

The correct answer is C. The mean would increase.

When a new number, 23, is added to the list, the sum of all the numbers will increase. Since the mean is calculated by dividing the sum of all the numbers by the total number of values, the mean will increase as a result.

Sean counted the number of stuffed animals available for prizes in each of the booths at a county fair. The list shows the results.

2, 23, 27, 29, 30, 32, 32, 34, 35, 96

Select all the data values that are outliers.




To identify outliers, we typically consider values that are significantly higher or lower than the other values in the data set. In this case, the values that can be considered outliers are:

D. 96

Since the rest of the values fall within a relatively close range, 96 stands out as significantly higher compared to the other numbers in the list. Therefore, the outlier(s) in this data set is 96.

The dot plot below shows the number of hours that several sixth graders spent inside the school building in a day. Each X represents one student.

A dot plot showing hours from 0 to 8 in the increments of 1 has one X at 0, 2 X's at 7 and seven X's at 8.

Which of the following statements is true regarding this data? Select all that apply.
The median better represents these data than the mean.

The mean is affected by the one student who was absent from school.

The distribution is skewed since most students were in the school building for 7 or 8 hours.

The correct statements are:

A. The median better represents these data than the mean.
C. The distribution is skewed since most students were in the school building for 7 or 8 hours.

In this case, the median is a more appropriate measure of central tendency because it is less affected by extreme values like the one student who was absent. The mean can be influenced by outliers, so it might not accurately represent the typical amount of time spent by the students.

The distribution is also skewed to the right since most students spent either 7 or 8 hours in the school building, while fewer students had lower values. This creates an asymmetry in the data distribution.

The following measurements show the lengths of 5 grasshoppers in inches:

3.7, 2.5, 2.3, 1.2, and 3.4

What will happen if 2 more grasshoppers with measurements of 2.3 and 3.2 inches are added?
the mean will increase

the median will increase

the mean will decrease

the median will decrease

If two more grasshoppers with measurements of 2.3 and 3.2 inches are added, the impact on the mean and median can be analyzed.

A. The mean will increase.
When these additional values are included, the sum of the lengths will increase, resulting in a higher total. Since the mean is calculated by dividing the sum by the number of values, the mean will increase.

B. The median may or may not increase.
The median represents the middle value when the data is arranged in ascending or descending order. If the new values fall within the existing range, the median will remain the same. However, if the new values are placed on either side of the current median values, the median will change.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
A. The mean will increase.

Byron wants to use the distributive property to rewrite the addition problem shown so that the numbers left in the parentheses have no common factor except 1.

(48 + 36)

Which is an equivalent expression that has numbers in the parentheses whose only common factor is 1?

4(12 + 9)

2(24 + 18)

12(4 + 3)

36(12 + 1)

To rewrite the addition problem using the distributive property so that the numbers in the parentheses have no common factor except 1, we need to find a factor that can be distributed to both terms.

Looking at the factors of 48 and 36, the closest factor that can be distributed is 12.

Therefore, the equivalent expression that satisfies the condition is:

C. 12(4 + 3)

By distributing the 12, we get:

12 * 4 + 12 * 3 = 48 + 36

Mr. Hon purchases a new car every 4 years. Ms. Jasper purchases a new car every 6 years. They both purchased new cars this year. When will they next both purchase new cars in the same year?

in 2 years

in 8 years

in 12 years

in 24 years

To find the next year when both Mr. Hon and Ms. Jasper will purchase new cars in the same year, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of 4 and 6.

The prime factorization of 4 is 2^2 and the prime factorization of 6 is 2 * 3.

To find the LCM, we take the highest power of each prime factor that appears in either number: 2^2 * 3 = 12.

Therefore, the next time both Mr. Hon and Ms. Jasper will purchase new cars in the same year is in:

C. 12 years.

Drag a term into each box to create an expression equivalent to .

I'm sorry, but you haven't provided any equation or expression to work with. Please provide the expression or equation so that I can assist you further.

4(3e - 8j =

To create an equivalent expression to 4(3e - 8j), you need to apply the distributive property.

The distribution will give:

4 * 3e - 4 * 8j

Which simplifies to:

12e - 32j

So, an equivalent expression to 4(3e - 8j) is 12e - 32j.

whats the answer

The equivalent expression to 4(3e - 8j) is 12e - 32j.

In a democracy, from where does the power to govern derive?

hereditary rights

ownership of the land

the claim to divine right

the people being governed

The power to govern in a democracy derives from the people being governed. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

Read the text and answer the question.

In Country X, the factors of production are all publicly owned and controlled by the government. The basic economic questions of what to produce, how to do so, and how to distribute goods are determined by Country X's government and not by market forces. Because they are set by central planners, prices do not signal to producers whether to increase or decrease production.
What kind of economy does Country X have?
The government's role in setting the prices of goods shows that Country X has a market economy.

The government's ownership of the factors of production shows that Country X has a market economy.

The government's encouragement of entrepreneurship shows that Country X has a command economy.

The government's control of the factors of production shows that Country X has a command economy.

The statement in the text suggests that Country X has a command economy. This is because the factors of production are publicly owned and controlled by the government, and they determine what to produce, how to produce, and how to distribute goods. This indicates central planning and control over economic decisions, which aligns with a command economy.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

D. The government's control of the factors of production shows that Country X has a command economy.

Which barrier to trade blocks all trade between nations?

an embargo

a tariff

a quota

a sanction

The barrier to trade that blocks all trade between nations is an embargo. An embargo is a complete ban on trade and economic relations with a particular country, typically imposed for political reasons or as a form of punishment. Therefore, the correct answer is:

A. An embargo.

How do governments invest in capital goods?

by providing free medical care for all of their citizens

by providing housing assistance for all of their citizens

by giving tax breaks to companies that protect the environment

by giving tax breaks to manufacturers that update their machinery

Governments invest in capital goods by giving tax breaks to manufacturers that update their machinery. This encourages companies to invest in new and advanced equipment, which improves productivity and promotes economic growth. Therefore, the correct answer is:

D. By giving tax breaks to manufacturers that update their machinery.

Match each type of barrier to trade to its effect.

blocks all trade with another country
taxes certain classes of imported or exported goods
limits the volume of goods imported from a foreign country
tarif embargo quota

Here are the matching effects for each type of barrier to trade:

1. Tarif - taxes certain classes of imported or exported goods.
2. Embargo - blocks all trade with another country.
3. Quota - limits the volume of goods imported from a foreign country.

Therefore, the proper matching would be:

Tarif: taxes certain classes of imported or exported goods.
Embargo: blocks all trade with another country.
Quota: limits the volume of goods imported from a foreign country.

How do investments in human capital help improve a nation's economy?

by reducing the efficiency of production

by improving the job skills of the population

by improving access to natural resources

by reducing competition between businesses

Investments in human capital help improve a nation's economy by improving the job skills of the population. When a nation invests in education, training, healthcare, and skill development programs for its citizens, it enhances their abilities and knowledge. This leads to a more skilled and productive workforce, which in turn drives economic growth and innovation. Therefore, the correct answer is:

B. By improving the job skills of the population.

What do countries with command economies base their answers to economic questions on?

what skills workers have

what consumers demand

what previous generations produced

what the government wants to produce

Countries with command economies base their answers to economic questions on what the government wants to produce. In a command economy, the government exercises significant control over economic decisions, including what goods and services should be produced, how they should be produced, and how they should be distributed. The government typically sets production goals and determines resource allocation based on its own priorities and objectives. Thus, the correct answer is:

D. What the government wants to produce.

Which term is used to refer to a country focusing on producing a relatively small number of goods or services based on what the country can produce most efficiently?

opportunity cost




The term used to refer to a country focusing on producing a relatively small number of goods or services based on what the country can produce most efficiently is specialization. Specialization involves a country or an individual focusing on producing a limited range of goods or services in which they have a comparative advantage. By specializing in what they can produce most efficiently, countries can increase productivity and overall economic efficiency. Therefore, the correct answer is:

C. Specialization.

Multiple Choice Question

Which statement would MOST LIKELY be true in market economy?
Most people enter the same field of employment as their ancestors.

Economic production decisions are made by a small council of experts.

The government provides employment and necessary resources for its people.

Business owners decide what goods to produce and at what price to sell them.

The statement that would MOST LIKELY be true in a market economy is:

D. Business owners decide what goods to produce and at what price to sell them.

In a market economy, economic decisions are primarily driven by the interactions of buyers and sellers in the marketplace, rather than by the government. Private businesses or individuals, as owners, have the autonomy to make decisions about production, pricing, and selling of goods and services. This reflects the principles of supply and demand and the concept of free enterprise. Therefore, the correct answer is:

D. Business owners decide what goods to produce and at what price to sell them.

Multiple Choice Question

How do governments invest in human capital?
by providing tax incentives to build factories

by providing job-training programs for citizens

by providing home-buying incentives for families

by providing housing for those that cannot afford it

The correct answer is:

B. By providing job-training programs for citizens.

Governments invest in human capital by providing job-training programs that enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individuals in the workforce. These programs aim to improve the job prospects and productivity of the population, leading to economic growth and development. While other options listed in the multiple-choice question, such as providing tax incentives for factories, housing incentives, or affordable housing, may also be initiatives undertaken by governments, they are not specifically aimed at investing in human capital. Therefore, the most accurate answer is:

B. By providing job-training programs for citizens.

Why do countries trade with each other?

Most countries trade with other countries in order to make alliances.

Most countries trade for foreign currency to promote economic growth.

Most countries produce a surplus of goods that would be wasted otherwise.

Most countries cannot efficiently produce everything their populations need.

The most accurate answer is:

D. Most countries cannot efficiently produce everything their populations need.

Countries engage in trade with each other because they have different resources, capabilities, and efficiencies in producing goods and services. By trading, countries can access goods and resources that they may not have domestically or may not be able to produce as efficiently. This allows them to meet the needs of their populations and enjoy a greater variety of products. International trade also promotes economic growth by stimulating competition, encouraging specialization, and fostering innovation. Therefore, the correct answer is:

D. Most countries cannot efficiently produce everything their populations need.

During which phase of the Moon does it reflect the most light to Earth?

new moon

waxing moon

waning moon

full moon

During the phase of the full moon, it reflects the most light to Earth.

In this phase, the moon is positioned directly opposite the Sun, with the Earth in between. As a result, the Sun's light fully illuminates the side of the moon that is facing Earth, making it appear bright and fully visible. Therefore, the correct answer is:

D. Full moon.

A total eclipse of the moon can only occur during which phase of the moon?

new moon

first quarter

full moon

last quarter