Aerobic decomposition of organic matter (carbon):

a. Requires low levels of oxygen in the environment.
b. Produces coral reefs.
c. Only occurs in terrestrial (on land) environments.
d. Releases inorganic carbon (CO2).

d. Releases inorganic carbon (CO2).

For each of the following processes, determine whether CO2 is being added to or removed from the atmosphere.

a. Respiration by grazing animals

b. Trees burning in a forest fire

c. Photosynthesis by tree leaves

d. A house burning home-heating oi

a. Respiration by grazing animals: CO2 is being added to the atmosphere.

b. Trees burning in a forest fire: CO2 is being added to the atmosphere.

c. Photosynthesis by tree leaves: CO2 is being removed from the atmosphere.

d. A house burning home-heating oil: CO2 is being added to the atmosphere.

For each of the following processes, determine whether carbon is being added to or removed from the biosphere.

a. Respiration by grazing animals

b. Trees burning in a forest fire

c. Photosynthesis by tree leaves

d. Decomposition of organic matter

a. Respiration by grazing animals: Carbon is being added to the biosphere.

b. Trees burning in a forest fire: Carbon is being added to the biosphere.

c. Photosynthesis by tree leaves: Carbon is being removed from the biosphere.

d. Decomposition of organic matter: Carbon is being returned to the biosphere.

As more and more CO2 dissolves in the oceans:

a. The ocean's pH will go up.
b. The rate at which oceans can take up CO2 will increase.
c. Sea level will go down.
d. Marine animals that make their shells out of calcium carbonate will suffer.

d. Marine animals that make their shells out of calcium carbonate will suffer.

Decomposition of organic matter


Decomposition of organic matter: Carbon is being added to the biosphere.

Nitrogen-containing ammonia in the atmosphere is in the form of _____.

a. N2
b. NH4+
c. NH3
d. NO3−
e. NO2

c. NH3

With each transfer of energy from one trophic level to the next, about _____ of the energy is lost.

a. 90%
b. 60%
c. 40%
d. 20%
e. 10%

e. 10%

Phosphorus is made available to ecosystems by ____.

a. plants that produce it during photosynthesis
b. bacteria that capture it from the atmosphere
c. the erosion of rocks that contain phosphate
d. the burning of fossil fuels
e. precipitation formed from the evaporation of seawater

c. the erosion of rocks that contain phosphate

The ________ is the innermost layer of the atmosphere and contains the air we breathe.

a. biosphere
b. troposphere
c. ozone layer
d. mantle
e. hydrosphere

b. troposphere