If a recipe calls for 1.25 cups of sugar, what degree of accuracy would be sufficient for the markings on Jane's 2 cup measuring device she is using?

(1 point)
O iofacup
O of acup
O yofacup

The degree of accuracy that would be sufficient for the markings on Jane's 2 cup measuring device would be ½ of a cup.

The weight of a 20 dollar bill is 1.0 g. If Denny is using a count-by-weight machine to count how many 20 dollar bills are in a stack, which accuracy is most reasonable for the count-by-weight machine? (1 point)

0 5 g
O 1.0 g
00019 Dog
• 0.1 g

The accuracy that is most reasonable for the count-by-weight machine used by Denny would be 0.1 g.

Solve the equation below for variable v

A = + + rUf
(1 point)

I'm sorry, but the equation you provided is unclear. Could you please clarify the equation and provide any missing information or variables?

Solve the equation below for variable v

A = r+rvf
(1 point)

To solve the equation A = r + rvf for the variable v, we can first factor out v on the right side of the equation:

A = r(1 + vf)
Next, divide both sides of the equation by (1 + vf) to isolate v:
A/(1 + vf) = r
Finally, multiply both sides of the equation by (1 + vf):
v(A/(1 + vf)) = r(1 + vf)
Simplifying the right side gives:
vA/(1 + vf) = r + rvf
Distribute vA to get:
vA = r + rvf + rv^2f
Combine like terms on the right side:
vA = r(1 + vf + v^2f)
Divide both sides of the equation by r(1 + vf + v^2f):
vA/(r(1 + vf + v^2f)) = 1
Thus, the solution for v is:
v = 1/(r(1 + vf + v^2f))

Using the equation C = 27r if C=18.84 and m= 3.14.

Then r=

To solve the equation C = 27r, we can substitute the given values of C and solve for r.

C = 18.84
r = ?

Substituting C = 18.84 into the equation C = 27r:
18.84 = 27r

Now, solve for r:
Divide both sides of the equation by 27:
18.84/27 = r
0.6989 = r

Therefore, r ≈ 0.6989.

None of the answer choices provided (4, 1, 2, 3) are accurate.

Given d = 60 miles and v = 15 miles per hour

solve d - ut in terms of t then substitute values.
(1 point)
C t= 4 hours
( t= 15 hours
C 1= 60 hours
0 t= 900 hours

To solve for d - ut in terms of t, we need to substitute the given values of d and v.

d = 60 miles
v = 15 miles per hour
t = ?

The equation d - ut represents the distance traveled after time t at a constant speed v.

Substitute the values into the equation:
d - ut = 60 - 15t

Now we can substitute specific values of t into the equation:

For t = 4 hours:
d - ut = 60 - 15(4)
d - ut = 60 - 60
d - ut = 0 miles

For t = 15 hours:
d - ut = 60 - 15(15)
d - ut = 60 - 225
d - ut = -165 miles

For t = 1 hour:
d - ut = 60 - 15(1)
d - ut = 60 - 15
d - ut = 45 miles

For t = 900 hours:
d - ut = 60 - 15(900)
d - ut = 60 - 13500
d - ut = -13440 miles

So the correct option is t = 4 hours, where d - ut = 0 miles.

Given 1 = 10 inches and A = 40 square inches

Solve A = lw in terms of w, then substitute values.
(1 point)
O w= 4 inches
• w= 40 inches
• w= 10 inches
C w= 400 inches

To solve A = lw in terms of w, we need to rearrange the equation to isolate w.

1 = 10 inches (assume this information is irrelevant to the problem)
A = 40 square inches
w = ?

The equation A = lw represents the area of a rectangle with length l and width w.

Rearranging the equation, we get:
A = lw

Now, solve for w:
Divide both sides of the equation by l:
A/l = w

Substitute the value of A = 40 square inches into the equation:
40/l = w

Since we don't have the value for l, we cannot substitute specific values into the equation to solve for w. Therefore, none of the answer choices provided (w = 4 inches, w = 40 inches, w = 10 inches, w = 400 inches) are accurate without knowing the value of l.

Given I = 10 inches and A = 40 square inches

Solve A = lw in terms of w, then substitute values.
(1 point)
O w= 4 inches
• w= 40 inches
• w= 10 inches
C w= 400 inches

To solve A = lw in terms of w, we need to rearrange the equation to isolate w.

I = 10 inches
A = 40 square inches
w = ?

The equation A = lw represents the area of a rectangle with length l and width w.

Rearranging the equation, we get:
A = lw

Now, solve for w:
Divide both sides of the equation by l:
A/l = w

Since we don't have the value for l, we cannot substitute specific values into the equation to solve for w. We only have the values I = 10 inches and A = 40 square inches, which are unrelated to the length or width of the rectangle.

Therefore, none of the answer choices provided (w = 4 inches, w = 40 inches, w = 10 inches, w = 400 inches) are accurate without further information.

If Jaime is riding at 14 miles per hour and Cori is riding at 0 40 kilometers per minute, how far will each of them bike in two hours?

1 mile is equivalent to 1.61 kilometers
Use the equation d = ut
(1 point)
• Jaime will bike 29.82 miles and Cori will bike 28 miles
• Jaime will bike 28 miles and Cori will bike 38.64 miles
• Jaime will bike 38.64 miles and Cori will bike 28 miles
• Jaime will bike 28 miles and Cori will bike 29.82 miles

To find the distance each person will bike, we can use the formula d = ut, where d is the distance, u is the speed, and t is the time.

Jaime's speed (u) = 14 miles per hour
Cori's speed (u) = 0.40 kilometers per minute
Time (t) = 2 hours

Converting Cori's speed to miles per hour by multiplying by 60 (minutes in an hour) and then converting from kilometers to miles:
Cori's speed = 0.40 kilometers/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 1 mile/1.61 kilometers ≈ 14.907 miles per hour

Calculating the distance for each person:
Jaime's distance = 14 miles/hour * 2 hours = 28 miles

Cori's distance = 14.907 miles/hour * 2 hours ≈ 29.814 miles ≈ 29.82 miles

Therefore, the correct answer is:
• Jaime will bike 28 miles and Cori will bike 29.82 miles.

City A's highest temperature during this past summer was 34° C. City B's highest temperature over the same period was 97° F

Convert City A's temperature to Fahrenheit using F = (C × 9) + 32 to determine which city had the highest temperature during the summer.
(1 point)
The two cities had the same highest temperature
City A had a highest temperature of 20.4° P while City B had a higher maximum temperature of 97 F

City A had a highest temperature of 93.2- F while City B had a hicher maximum temperature of 97* F
City A had a highest temperature of 97 F. while City B had a higher maximum temperature of 93.2 F

To convert City A's temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you can use the formula F = (C × 9/5) + 32.

City A's highest temperature (C) = 34°C
City B's highest temperature = 97°F

Using the conversion formula:
City A's highest temperature in Fahrenheit = (34 × 9/5) + 32 = 93.2°F

Comparing City A's highest temperature (93.2°F) to City B's highest temperature (97°F), we can see that City B had a higher maximum temperature during the summer.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
City A had a highest temperature of 93.2°F, while City B had a higher maximum temperature of 97°F.