Why was it important for the founders of the u.s. to use political theory from successful civilizations when creating the framework of the U.S. government?

The U.S. wanted to create a society where people would live in fear of losing an eye so everyone would obey, as they did the Code of Hammurabi.

The Founders wanted a government that would be popular with all of its people, so they looked at other popular governments.

The Founders wanted to create a successful government, so they looked at other political theories that were successful.

The goal of the Founders was to create government that kept its laws and punishments secret, and the Code of Hammurabi was secretive so they looked to it for inspiration.

Foundations and Constitution Unit Test

What is one reason the Framers wanted to model the U.S. government after the English government? (1 point)
• The Framers wanted a monarch to rule.
• The Framers wanted a limited government, and England had a limited government.
• The Framers wanted a government that was limited in size.
• The Framers were reluctant to look anywhere but England because they thought England's government was perfect.

The correct answer is: The Framers wanted a limited government, and England had a limited government.

The Framers were inspired by the principles of limited government found in the English system, such as the Magna Carta, which established certain rights and limitations on the power of the monarch. They saw the English government as a model for establishing a system that would protect individual rights and prevent the concentration of power in a single authority. However, it is important to note that the Framers also drew ideas from various other sources, such as ancient Greece and the Enlightenment thinkers, and did not view the English government as perfect or the sole inspiration for the U.S. government.

Why did the Hebrew congregation write to George Washington? (1 point)

• to tell him they were angry that he did not treat all religions fairly
• to congratulate him and thank him for enforcing religious tolerance in this country as president
• to ask him for assistance in practicing their religion
• to try to get him to make the Jewish faith the national religion

The correct answer is: to congratulate him and thank him for enforcing religious tolerance in this country as president.

The Hebrew congregation wrote to George Washington to express their gratitude and appreciation for his efforts in promoting and enforcing religious tolerance in the United States. They recognized his commitment to ensuring that all religions were treated fairly and wanted to acknowledge his leadership in creating an environment where religious freedom was upheld.

Aristotle and Blackstone both supported the restriction of the arbitrary use of government power based on well-defined and established laws which is known as (1 point)

• the rule of law.
• limited government.
• direct democracy.
• eminent domain.

The correct answer is: the rule of law.

Both Aristotle and Blackstone advocated for the concept of the rule of law, which refers to the principle that government power should be limited and restrained by well-defined and established laws. This means that the exercise of governmental authority should be based on clear legal principles and that individuals should be governed by impartial laws rather than the arbitrary whims of those in power. The rule of law ensures that all individuals, regardless of status, are subject to the same laws and protections, promoting fairness and justice within a society.

Distinguish which of the following types of government is a limited government. (1 point)

• an absolute monarchy
• a constitutional monarchy
• an oligarchy
• a dictatorship

The correct answer is: a constitutional monarchy.

A limited government refers to a system in which the powers and authorities of the government are restricted by a constitution or a set of laws. In a constitutional monarchy, the monarch's authority is limited by a constitution, which establishes the rights and limitations of the government, outlines the powers of the monarch, and often includes provisions for the protection of individual rights. This arrangement typically includes checks and balances, separation of powers, and mechanisms for accountability. In contrast, an absolute monarchy, an oligarchy, and a dictatorship do not have the same level of restrictions on government power and are thus not considered limited governments.

How is the idea of a social contract related to natural rights? (1 point)

• A social contract preserves natural rights by returning society to a state of nature.
• A social contract protects people's natural rights by having citizens give up some individual freedoms.
• A social contract codifies natural rights into law by making it part of the Constitution.
• A social contract takes away people's natural rights by eliminating all individual freedoms.

The correct answer is: A social contract protects people's natural rights by having citizens give up some individual freedoms.

The concept of a social contract, as proposed by philosophers like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, suggests that individuals enter into a mutually agreed-upon contract with their government, surrendering some of their individual freedoms in exchange for the protection of their natural rights. Natural rights are inherent and inalienable rights that individuals possess simply by virtue of being human, such as the rights to life, liberty, and property. The social contract is a way to establish a system of government that ensures the protection and preservation of these natural rights for all members of society.

Which of the following explains how the Constitution limits government power and signifies the idea of popular sovereignty in American government? (1 point)

The Constitution divides state powers.
• The Constitution gives unlimited freedom.
• The preamble starts with "We the Peodle."
• The preamble implies congressional powers

The correct answer is: The preamble starts with "We the People."

The phrase "We the People" in the preamble of the Constitution signifies the idea of popular sovereignty in American government. Popular sovereignty means that the ultimate power and authority of the government resides with the people. By starting with "We the People," the Constitution establishes that the government's legitimacy and authority are derived from the consent of the governed. This concept reflects the idea that the government exists to serve the interests of the people and that its powers are derived from the people themselves. This principle of popular sovereignty is further reinforced by the structure and design of the Constitution, which includes mechanisms for representation, checks and balances, and the protection of individual rights.

The concepts of life, liberty, and property (pursuit of happiness) are most closely associated with which of the following concepts? (1 point)

• natural rights
• divine right of kings
• limited government
• popular sovereianty

The correct answer is: natural rights.

The concepts of life, liberty, and property (or the pursuit of happiness, as stated in the Declaration of Independence) are closely associated with the concept of natural rights. Natural rights are inherent rights that individuals possess by virtue of being human. These rights are considered universal and inalienable, meaning they cannot be taken away or violated by any government or authority. The idea of natural rights was influential during the Enlightenment period and was articulated by thinkers such as John Locke. The belief in natural rights forms the basis for concepts such as individual freedom, equality, and the protection of basic human rights in political and legal systems.

Which of the following explains how a republic's constitution can affect the rights of its citizens? (1 point)

• Constitutions only protect the rights of the majority of citizens.
• Constitutions protect the rights of all citizens.
Constitutions do not affect citizens' rights, as they only address the specific powers given to a republican form of government.
• Constitutions only protect the rights of elected officials.

The correct answer is: Constitutions protect the rights of all citizens.

A republic's constitution plays a critical role in protecting the rights of its citizens. Constitutions establish the framework of government, outline the powers and limitations of the different branches of government, and often include a bill of rights that guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms for all citizens. These rights may include freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and due process, among others. The purpose of a constitution is to provide a set of principles and rules that safeguard the rights of individuals from potential abuses of power by the government. It ensures that the rights of all citizens, regardless of their size or majority status, are protected and upheld.

A federal system of government can be best described as (1 point)

• a national government with a king or queen at its head.
a national government that shares some responsibilities and powers with the state governments but is ultimately seen as the supreme law.
• a state government that looks toward a national government for ideas.
• a series of state governments working independently from one another.

The correct answer is: a national government that shares some responsibilities and powers with the state governments but is ultimately seen as the supreme law.

A federal system of government is characterized by the division of powers between a central or national government and individual state governments. In this system, both the national government and state governments have their own areas of authority and responsibilities. The Constitution outlines the powers and limitations of the national government, while also reserving certain powers to the states. The national government is considered supreme, as defined by the Constitution, and acts as the overarching legal framework that governs the entire country. However, the state governments maintain certain powers and autonomy within their respective jurisdictions. This division of powers between the national and state governments helps to maintain a balance of authority and prevents any one government from having excessive control.

What was the number of the amendment that granted women the right to vote? (1 point)

• Fifteenth Amendment
• Fourteenth Amendment
• Nineteenth Amendment
• Thirteenth Amendment

The correct answer is: Nineteenth Amendment.

The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution granted women the right to vote. It was ratified on August 18, 1920, and prohibited the denial of the right to vote based on sex. This amendment was a significant milestone in the women's suffrage movement and established women's right to participate in the democratic process. The Fifteenth Amendment granted African American men the right to vote, the Fourteenth Amendment addressed citizenship and equal protection under the law, and the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery.

Why did Madison think that factions are a product of liberty? (1 point)

• Liberty allows citizens to think freely so different factions may develop.
• Liberty allowed Americans to develop factions to have freedom from England.
• Liberty requires people to develop factions to have equality.
• Liberty requires strong state governments for factions to develop.

The correct answer is: Liberty allows citizens to think freely so different factions may develop.

James Madison, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and a key contributor to the writing of the Constitution, argued in Federalist Paper No. 10 that factions are a natural product of liberty. Madison believed that liberty, or the freedom to express and pursue one's interests and opinions, allows citizens to think freely and form different factions based on their diverse views and interests. He acknowledged that individuals have different passions, beliefs, and opinions, and that allowing them the freedom to express those differences will inevitably lead to the formation of factions. Madison argued that rather than eliminating factions, the challenge was to manage their effects and mitigate their negative consequences through a system of checks and balances and the separation of powers.

Why was it so difficult for the government under the Articles of Confederation to get laws passed? (1 point)

- They could never get the delegates of all 13 colonies to come together to discuss and pass laws.
• It was not easy to get all 13 states to agree on things because the leaders always put their state before country.
• There was no executive branch, so there was no one to enforce the laws on the citizens.
• It was difficult to get 9 of the 13 states to agree on things because the leaders put their state before country.

The correct answer is: It was difficult to get 9 of the 13 states to agree on things because the leaders put their state before country.

Under the Articles of Confederation, which served as the first constitution of the United States, it was challenging to pass laws because a supermajority of nine out of the thirteen states was required for legislation to be approved. Certain key decisions, such as amendments or major policy changes, necessitated unanimity among all thirteen states, making the process of passing laws even more difficult. The leaders of each state were often preoccupied with prioritizing the interests and concerns of their respective states, which sometimes led to disagreements and delays in reaching consensus. The lack of a central executive branch also meant there was no authority to enforce the laws on the states or citizens, further hampering the effectiveness of the government under the Articles of Confederation.

Use the table to answer the question.

Declaration of Independence
Bill of Rights
"He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them"
One source of liberty protection is to have a government framework that has jurisdiction power within its geographic area.
Examine the table. Look at the grievance listed by Thomas Jefferson in the left column. Which of the following quotations is a logical part of the Bill of Rights to link with this grievance?
(1 point)
• "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial....
• "The right of the people to be secure in their persons...shall not be violated..."
"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed."
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

The correct answer is: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

This quote is from the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which is a part of the Bill of Rights. It states that any powers not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution are reserved for the states or the people. This principle aligns with the grievance listed by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, which criticizes the King for forbidding his Governors from passing laws of immediate and pressing importance without his consent. The Tenth Amendment reinforces the idea that governmental power should be limited and emphasizes the jurisdictional power of individual states within their geographic areas.

A suspect is arrested and questioned by the police about possible involvement in a terrorism plot. Based on their interrogation, the police charge the suspect with terrorism. The suspect's lawyer asks the judge to dismiss the charges because the police used torture on the suspect. What amendment gives the lawyer the ability to claim this?

(1 point)
• the Sixth Amendment
• the Fifth Amendment
• the Third Amendment
• the Eighth Amendment

The correct answer is: the Eighth Amendment.

The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. In this scenario, the lawyer is claiming that the police used torture on the suspect during interrogation. If this claim is true, it would fall under the category of cruel and unusual punishment and violate the suspect's constitutional rights. The lawyer can invoke the Eighth Amendment to support their request to dismiss the charges based on the allegation of torture.

Identify the amendment violated in the following Supreme Court case. A defendant accused of armed robbery is denied a lawyer by the government because armed robbery is not a capital crime. (1 point)

• the Fourth Amendment
• the Fifth Amendment
• the Sixth Amendment
• the First Amendment

The correct answer is: the Sixth Amendment.

The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right to legal counsel for individuals accused of a crime. In the given Supreme Court case, the defendant is denied a lawyer by the government despite being accused of armed robbery, a non-capital offense. This denial of a lawyer violates the defendant's rights under the Sixth Amendment, which ensures that every person facing criminal charges has the right to counsel and the right to a fair trial.

Which of the following statements best explains why the addition of a bill of rights was necessary to ensure ratification of the Constitution? (1 point)

• The Federalists were distrustful of a national bill of rights being used by states.
• The Anti-Federalists were distrustful of state governments.
• The Federalists were fearful of a too powerful national government.
• The Anti-Federalists were fearful of a too powerful national government.

The correct answer is: The Anti-Federalists were fearful of a too powerful national government.

The addition of a bill of rights was necessary to ensure the ratification of the Constitution because the Anti-Federalists, who were skeptical of a strong central government, were concerned about potential abuses of power by the federal government. They believed that without specific protections for individual rights, the national government would become too powerful and encroach upon the liberties of the people. To address these concerns and secure the support of the Anti-Federalists, the inclusion of a bill of rights was proposed to explicitly outline the rights and freedoms of individuals that the federal government could not infringe upon. The Bill of Rights ultimately reassured the Anti-Federalists and helped to garner enough support for the ratification of the Constitution.

Which of the following would most likely subject a person to criminal penalties? (1 point)

• speaking negatively about a particular racial group
• encouraging others to engage in violence
• giving a stand-up comedy routine that ridicules the president
• publishing an article against government foreign policy

The correct answer is: encouraging others to engage in violence.

Encouraging others to engage in violence is a behavior that would most likely subject a person to criminal penalties. Inciting or promoting violence is considered a threat to public safety and can be a criminal offense in many jurisdictions. It falls outside the boundaries of protected speech under the First Amendment since it poses a direct risk to the safety and well-being of others. The other options listed, such as speaking negatively about a racial group, engaging in political satire, or expressing views against government foreign policy, are generally protected forms of free speech and would not typically result in criminal penalties, although they may invite criticism or public backlash.

Which of the following is considered to be a delegated power of the national government? (1 point)

• regulating interstate commerce
• running public schools
• exercising the police power
• building infrastructure

The correct answer is: regulating interstate commerce.

Regulating interstate commerce is considered to be a delegated power of the national government. Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution grants Congress the authority to regulate commerce among the states. This power allows the national government to regulate trade, economic activities, and transactions that take place between different states. It ensures consistency and uniformity in trade regulations across state lines and prevents barriers to

Which of the following statements best explains how the Fourteenth Amendment increases the power of the national government? (1 point)

• It allows the national government to ensure civil liberties and civil rights in the states.
• It allows the national government to prohibit discrimination based on gender in the states.
• It allows the national government to practice fiscal federalism in relation to the states.
• It allows the national government to prohibit voting discrimination based on race in the states.

The correct answer is: The Founders wanted to create a successful government, so they looked at other political theories that were successful.

By studying political theories and frameworks from successful civilizations, the Founders were able to learn from the successes and failures of those systems. This allowed them to incorporate elements that had proven to be effective while also avoiding mistakes that had led to the downfall of other governments. By drawing upon the experiences and knowledge of these successful civilizations, the Founders sought to create a government that would be stable, functional, and capable of promoting the well-being and rights of its citizens.