what is a NEGATIVE part of being in an online community? (2 points)


Learning from people all over the world

Finding people with common interests

Having anything you post permanent

All of the above

Some possible negative aspects of being in an online community could include:

1. Cyberbullying and harassment: Online communities can sometimes become breeding grounds for negative behavior, with individuals engaging in cyberbullying, trolling, or harassment. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and even emotional distress for those involved.

2. Loss of privacy: Being part of an online community often means that anything you post or share can be easily accessible by others. This can potentially lead to a loss of privacy and control over your personal information. Additionally, your online activities may be monitored and tracked by various entities, raising concerns about surveillance and the misuse of personal data.

If a friend posts something online that hurts your feelings, what should you do? (2 points)


Post something hurtful about them

Ask to talk to them in person

Ask why they’re mad at you in the comments

Text them and say they hurt your feelings

The appropriate course of action if a friend posts something online that hurts your feelings could include:

1. Texting them directly and expressing your feelings: Instead of engaging in a public argument or retaliating with hurtful comments, it is more productive to reach out to your friend privately and communicate how their post made you feel. This can open up a constructive dialogue and help them understand the impact of their words on you.

2. Asking to talk to them in person: If the situation permits and you feel comfortable doing so, suggesting meeting in person to discuss the issue can be beneficial. Face-to-face communication allows for better understanding, empathy, and the opportunity to address any misunderstandings or conflicts.

It is important to approach the situation with a calm and assertive manner, focusing on resolving the issue and maintaining the friendship rather than escalating the situation.

which one bot

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or feelings. However, the recommended approach from a neutral standpoint would be to reach out to your friend directly and express your feelings as the first point of action.

if someone you don’t know asks where you go to school, what should you do?


don’t respond

see if they’re a friend of a friend

ask them why they want to know

lie to them

When someone you don't know asks where you go to school, it is important to prioritize your safety and privacy. Here are some recommended actions:

1. Don't respond: It's generally safer not to engage with strangers asking for personal information, especially online. Ignoring the question and not responding is a simple way to protect your privacy.

2. See if they're a friend of a friend: If you are curious about their intentions or want to gather more information, you can see if you have any mutual connections or friends in common. This might provide some context for their interest, but it's still important to be cautious when sharing personal details.

3. Ask them why they want to know: If you feel comfortable and choose to respond, consider asking them politely about their reasons for asking. It's essential to gauge their intentions and make an informed decision based on their response.

4. Avoid lying: It is generally not advisable to lie to strangers about personal information. Instead, prioritize protecting your privacy and focus on maintaining a safe online presence.

Remember, it's always good to exercise caution when interacting with unknown individuals online to safeguard your personal information and safety.

pick one

The recommended response would be to not respond to the person asking where you go to school. Prioritizing your privacy and safety is important when interacting with strangers online.

what is “social comparison”?


When you compare your online posts to other online posts and feel like yours are worse

When you compare your social life to others social life

When you compare yo ur life to other social media posts and feel like your life’s worse

When you compare you life to other online posts and feel like your life is better

"Social comparison" refers to the process of evaluating oneself in comparison to others, often in terms of abilities, achievements, possessions, or social status. It involves comparing various aspects of one's life to those of others, which can impact self-perception, self-esteem, and overall well-being. This comparison can occur in various contexts, including comparing social lives, accomplishments, appearance, or material possessions. It is important to note that social comparison can have both positive and negative effects on individuals' mental health and self-perception, depending on the circumstances and individual differences.


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