
To find the number of ounces in 1/2 or 1/5 of a 10-ounce, we can calculate the amount separately.

1/2 of 10-ounce:
10 x 1/2 = 5 ounces

1/5 of 10-ounce:
10 x 1/5 = 2 ounces

So, 1/2 of a 10-ounce is 5 ounces, and 1/5 of a 10-ounce is 2 ounces.

its wrong


Apologies for the confusion.

To find the number of ounces in 1/2 of a 10-ounce or 1/5 of a 10-ounce, we can calculate it as follows:

1/2 of a 10-ounce:
10 ounces x 1/2 = 5 ounces

1/5 of a 10-ounce:
10 ounces x 1/5 = 2 ounces

So, 1/2 of a 10-ounce is 5 ounces, and 1/5 of a 10-ounce is 2 ounces.

How many ounces are in 1/2 of 1/5 of a 10-ounce block of my cheese

To find the number of ounces in 1/2 of 1/5 of a 10-ounce block of cheese, we need to multiply the fractions together.

1/5 of 10 ounces = 10/5 = 2 ounces
1/2 of 2 ounces = 2/2 = 1 ounce

So, 1/2 of 1/5 of a 10-ounce block of cheese is equal to 1 ounce.

A group of 9 people won 1/5 of a $4,500 prize how much money did each person in the group win


To find out how much money each person in the group won, we can divide the total prize by the number of people in the group.

The total prize won by the group is 1/5 of $4,500, which is (1/5) * $4,500 = $900.

Since there are 9 people in the group, we can divide the total prize by the number of people to find out the amount each person won.

$900 / 9 = $100

Therefore, each person in the group won $100.

Use the properties of operations and rules for multiplying and dividing to solve (-3/5) * (5/16) * (7/12) divvied (-3/16) * (-5/7)

To solve the expression (-3/5) * (5/16) * (7/12) / (-3/16) * (-5/7), we can simplify each fraction and then perform the multiplication and division.

Let's simplify the fractions first:
(-3/5) * (5/16) * (7/12) / (-3/16) * (-5/7)
= (-3 * 5 * 7) / (5 * 16 * 12) / (-3 * 16 * -5)/7

Next, we can multiply the numerators and denominators separately:
= -315 / 960 / 240 / 7

Now, we can simplify the expression:
= -315 / 960 * 7 / 240

To divide fractions, we flip the second fraction and multiply:
= -315 / 960 * 7 / 240
= -315 / 960 * 7 * 240

Now, we can multiply the numerators and denominators:
= -44100 / 230400

The final result is -44100/230400.

Solve the multi-step problem a runner completes 1/4 of a 5 mile race every 8 minutes at the same pace how far can the runner go in 16 minutes?

To determine how far the runner can go in 16 minutes, we need to find out how many 1/4 portions of the 5-mile race can be completed in that time.

In 8 minutes, the runner completes 1/4 of the race, which would be 1/4 * 5 = 5/4 = 1.25 miles.

Since the runner covers 1.25 miles in 8 minutes, to find out how far the runner can go in 16 minutes, we can double that distance.

1.25 miles * 2 = 2.5 miles

Therefore, the runner can go 2.5 miles in 16 minutes.

Solve the multi-step problem a runner completes 1/4 of a 5 mile race every 8 minutes at the same pace how far can the runner go in 16 minutes?

A. 1/10 mile

b. 2 1/2 miles

c. 1/8 mile

d. 160 miles

To determine how far the runner can go in 16 minutes, we need to determine the distance covered in 1 minute and then multiply it by 16.

In 8 minutes, the runner completes 1/4 of the race, which is equivalent to running 5/4 miles.

To determine the distance covered in 1 minute, we divide 5/4 by 8:

(5/4) miles divided by 8 minutes = (5/4) miles * (1/8) minutes = 5/32 miles per minute.

To find the distance covered in 16 minutes, we multiply the distance covered in 1 minute by 16:

(5/32) miles per minute * 16 minutes = 5/2 miles.

Therefore, the runner can go 2 1/2 miles in 16 minutes.

Hence, the correct answer is option B.

A water tank decreases by 10 gallons every 3 hours every day what is the total change in the amount of water in the tank after 6 days?

a. 80 gallons

b. 480 gallons

c. -480 gallons

d. -80 gallons

To find the total change in the amount of water in the tank after 6 days, we need to calculate the change in the amount of water per day and then multiply by 6.

The water tank decreases by 10 gallons every 3 hours, which is equivalent to a decrease of 10 gallons every 3/24 = 1/8 day.

So, the change in the amount of water per day is -10 gallons * (1/8) day = -10/8 = -5/4 gallons.

To find the total change in the amount of water over 6 days, we multiply the change per day by 6:

Total change = (-5/4) gallons/day * 6 days = -30/4 = -15/2 = -7.5 gallons.

Therefore, the total change in the amount of water in the tank after 6 days is -7.5 gallons.

Hence, the correct answer is option d. -80 gallons.

A recipe calls for 1/3 of a container of yogurt each container of yogurt has 150 calories the recipe makes 4 servings which set of calculations would give the correct number of calories per serving

a. 1/3 * 150 * 4

b. 1/3 * 150 divvied 4

c. 1/3 * 150 divvied 1/4

d. 1/3 divvied 150 divvied 4

To find the number of calories per serving in the recipe, we need to multiply the fraction of yogurt used with the calorie content and then divide it by the number of servings.

The correct set of calculations would be:

a. 1/3 * 150 * 4

In this calculation, we first calculate 1/3 of 150, which is (1/3) * 150 = 50. Then we multiply it by 4, which gives us 50 * 4 = 200.

Therefore, the correct set of calculations to find the number of calories per serving is option a. 1/3 * 150 * 4.

Each serving would have 200 calories.

Which does the European council do in the government of the European union?

a. passes laws and adopts budgets

b. resolves disputes among members

c. ensures legislation is applied fairly

d. represents the EU globally

The European Council in the government of the European Union is primarily responsible for high-level decision-making and policy coordination. Its main role includes:

d. Represents the EU globally - The European Council represents the European Union globally and participates in discussions and negotiations with other countries and international organizations.

Additionally, the European Council:

a. Passes laws and adopts budgets - While the European Council does not directly pass laws or adopt budgets, it sets the overall political direction and priorities for the EU and plays a role in initiating and guiding the legislative process.

b. Resolves disputes among members - The European Council does not have a formal role in resolving disputes among members, but it may provide guidance and facilitate discussions to help address conflicts within the EU.

c. Ensures legislation is applied fairly - The European Council does not have a direct role in ensuring legislation is applied fairly. Implementation and enforcement of EU legislation is primarily the responsibility of the European Commission and national governments.

Therefore, the main role of the European Council is to represent the EU globally and coordinate high-level decision-making.

A recent challenger to the European Union created by a member state is

a. migration

b. free trade

c. Brexit

d. the euro

The recent challenger to the European Union created by a member state is:

c. Brexit

Brexit refers to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (one of the member states of the European Union) from the EU. The UK held a referendum in 2016, which resulted in a vote in favor of leaving the EU. This has been a significant challenge to the EU, affecting various aspects such as trade, politics, and financial arrangements.

What form of government that is widely used throughout Europe today started in ancient Greece

a. democracy

b. theocracy

c. dictatorship

d. monachy

The form of government that started in ancient Greece and is widely used throughout Europe today is:

a. democracy

Democracy, which originated in ancient Greece, is a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who participate in decision-making either directly or through elected representatives. Many European countries today have democratic systems of government, varying in their structures and practices.

Which best compares the government of Belarus and Germany

a. They both have a democracy

b. they both have dictatorship

c. Belarus has a dictatorship and Germany has a democracy

d. Belarus has a democracy and Germany has a dictatorship

The best comparison between the government of Belarus and Germany is:

c. Belarus has a dictatorship, and Germany has a democracy.

Belarus is known for its authoritarian government, led by President Alexander Lukashenko since 1994. It is characterized by limited political freedoms and a lack of genuine multi-party competition.

On the other hand, Germany is known for its democratic system of government. It has a parliamentary republic with a federal structure, where power is shared between the federal government and the 16 states (Länder). Germany has regular free and fair elections, political pluralism, and respect for human rights.

Therefore, option c accurately describes the governmental differences between Belarus (dictatorship) and Germany (democracy).