How is homeostasis achieved?

Cells maintain internal stability.

Cells secrete stomach enzymes.

Cells control involuntary movements.

Cells control voluntary movements.

Cells maintain internal stability through a process called homeostasis. Homeostasis refers to the ability of an organism or cell to regulate its internal environment to maintain a stable and optimal condition for normal functioning. This is achieved through various mechanisms such as feedback loops and regulation of physiological processes.

In terms of maintaining internal stability, cells play a crucial role by carrying out functions that help in achieving homeostasis. They continuously monitor the internal environment and respond to changes by regulating various parameters such as body temperature, pH levels, nutrient concentrations, and fluid balance.

For example, cells in the body can control involuntary movements, such as the contraction and relaxation of muscles, through the coordination of the nervous system. This helps maintain stability and proper functioning of organs and systems.

Similarly, cells can also control voluntary movements through the activation and regulation of skeletal muscles, which are under conscious control. By coordinating and integrating signals from the nervous system, cells ensure that voluntary movements are executed accurately and in harmony with the body's needs.

On the other hand, the secretion of stomach enzymes by cells in the gastric glands is not directly related to homeostasis. Stomach enzymes primarily aid in the digestion of food and breaking down nutrients for absorption by the body. While digestion is essential for overall health and nutrient supply, it is not directly involved in the maintenance of internal stability or homeostasis.

How is homeostasis achieved?

Answer choices:

Cells maintain internal stability.

Cells secrete stomach enzymes.

Cells control involuntary movements.

Cells control voluntary movements.

Cells maintain internal stability.

How are muscle cells and bone cells similar?

Both gather information from inside and outside the body.

Both make it possible for you to respond to your environment by moving.

Both control involuntary movements such as the beating of your heart.

Both release sweat when the temperature gets too warm.

Both make it possible for you to respond to your environment by moving.

What is the function of an organ system?

to be a basic unit of organization with bodies

to work together to do a specific job

to control movement in internal organs

to organize a group of similar cells

The function of an organ system is to work together to do a specific job.

Which is most complex?


organ system



The most complex level of organization is the organ system. Organ systems are composed of multiple organs that work together to perform specific functions in the body. Organs, in turn, are made up of different types of tissues, and tissues consist of specialized cells. Therefore, the organization hierarchy would be cells -> tissues -> organs -> organ systems, with the organ system being the most complex level.

Which organ of the respiratory system is located inside the lungs?





The bronchioles are the part of the respiratory system that is located inside the lungs. The bronchioles are small airways that branch off from the bronchi and further divide within the lungs, allowing the passage of air into the lung tissue for gas exchange. The nasopharynx, trachea, and larynx are all part of the respiratory system but are not located directly within the lungs.

Which organ in the excretory system filters blood?





The organ in the excretory system that filters blood is the kidney. The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products, excess water, and other substances from the bloodstream to produce urine. The urine is then transported to the bladder through the ureters and eventually eliminated from the body through the urethra. However, it is the kidneys specifically that perform the filtration process in the excretory system.

What is the term for changes in the internal or external environment that cause a response?





The term for changes in the internal or external environment that cause a response is stimuli. Stimuli trigger reactions or responses in organisms or cells, allowing them to adapt and maintain homeostasis in response to changes in their surroundings. These stimuli can be physical, chemical, or biological in nature and can come from both internal and external sources.

How do signals from sensory neurons reach motor neurons?

Through interneurons in the brain and spinal cord that connect sensory neurons and motor neurons.

Signals from sensory neurons do not get sent to motor neurons.

Motor neurons signal for the body to move the signal toward them.

Signals move from dendrite to dendrite towards motor neurons.

Through interneurons in the brain and spinal cord that connect sensory neurons and motor neurons.