Fill in the blank to complete the sentence.

______________ describes the size, shape and arrangement of mineral grains of a rock.


something elsa

The specific term that describes the size, shape, and arrangement of mineral grains of a rock is called texture.

If granite is an igneous rock, which of these best explain how it formed?

Through the transformation of a pre-existing rock.

Slowly from the crystallization of magma.

Neither explanation is correct.

b. Slowly from the crystallization of magma.

Identify the minerals by the color of their streak. Choose the answer that best fills in the blanks:

Mineral A is ______; Mineral B is ________; Mineral C is __________

Pyrite; Cinnabar; Hematite

Hematite; Pyrite; Cinnabar

Cinnabar; Hematite; Pyrite

Hematite; Cinnabar; Pyrite

a. Pyrite; Cinnabar; Hematite


Hematite; Pyrite; Cinnabar

Apologies for the previous incorrect response. The correct answer is:

d. Hematite; Cinnabar; Pyrite

f and t

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean by "f and t" in relation to identifying the minerals by the color of their streak. Could you please provide more information or clarify your response?


I apologize for any confusion, but "f" does not provide a clear answer for identifying the minerals by the color of their streak. The options provided in the initial response still stand as the best choices:

a. Pyrite; Cinnabar; Hematite
b. Hematite; Pyrite; Cinnabar
c. Cinnabar; Hematite; Pyrite
d. Hematite; Cinnabar; Pyrite

Please select one of these options for the correct identification of minerals by streak color.

Open Discussion:

The density of a mineral is often used to determine or help determine it's identity. What can you determine about the arrangement of atoms in a mineral based on the minerals density?

The density of a mineral provides information about the arrangement of atoms within the mineral's crystal structure. The density is a measure of how tightly packed and close together the atoms are in the mineral. A higher density indicates that the atoms are more closely packed, suggesting a more compact arrangement. On the other hand, a lower density suggests a more open or less tightly packed arrangement of atoms. Therefore, the density of a mineral can give insights into the packing arrangement and organization of atoms in its crystal lattice.