Which statement best describes a command economy

A command economy is an economic system in which the government has total control over the production, pricing, and distribution of goods and services.

Which statement best describes a command economy

A individuals make most economy choices
B Market forces decide most economy questions

A command economy is a system where the government controls and makes most economic decisions, determines production levels and quotas, and allocates resources.

Which statement best describes a command economy

A individuals make most economy choices
B Market forces decide most economy questions
C the government controls most economy activity
D businesses determine most economic outcomes

C the government controls most economy activity

Confucianism and Daoism developed in China while Choose emerged in Japan.

The statement is incorrect. Confucianism and Daoism did indeed develop in China, but Shinto, not Choose, emerged in Japan. Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan, which focuses on the worship of nature and ancestral spirits.

Confucianism and Daoism developed in China while Shintoism emerged in Japan.

Yes, that statement is correct. Confucianism and Daoism are both philosophical and religious traditions that originated in China. Confucianism emphasizes moral values, social harmony, and respect for authority, while Daoism emphasizes living in harmony with the natural flow of the universe. Shintoism, on the other hand, is the indigenous religion of Japan, which focuses on the worship of nature, ancestral spirits, and the divine essence in various natural phenomena.

Tibetans are an ethnic minority in

South Korea.

No, Tibetans are not an ethnic minority in South Korea. Tibetans are primarily native to the Tibetan Plateau in Tibet, which is an autonomous region in China. South Korea has its own distinct ethnic groups, such as the Korean people, who are the majority in the country.

Tibetans are an ethnic minority in


Yes, that statement is correct. Tibetans are an ethnic minority in China. Tibet is an autonomous region in western China, and Tibetans have their own distinct culture, language, and religious practices. They are recognized as one of the 55 officially recognized ethnic minority groups in China.

Which modern East Asian countries have autocratic governments? Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)




North Korea

South Korea


The two correct answers are:


North Korea

Which North Korean action in the 2000s resulted in condemnation by other East Asian countries?

(1 point)

their attempts to trade with the United States

their development of nuclear weapons program

their attempt to invade China

their peace treaty with Japan

The North Korean action in the 2000s that resulted in condemnation by other East Asian countries was their development of a nuclear weapons program.

Plate tectonics put Japan and the Koreas at risk of drought and famine

Plate tectonics do not directly put Japan and the Koreas at risk of drought and famine. Plate tectonics refer to the movement and interaction of Earth's lithospheric plates, which can cause various geological phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountains. While these geologic processes can have indirect effects on factors like climate and land formation, the risk of drought and famine in a region is primarily influenced by factors like weather patterns, agricultural practices, water management, and socio-economic factors.

Plate tectonics put Japan and the Koreas at risk of

earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions

Yes, that statement is correct. Plate tectonics and the associated movements of tectonic plates do put Japan and the Koreas at risk of earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. These regions are located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is an area with intense volcanic and seismic activity due to the convergence of several tectonic plates. The movement and interaction of these plates can lead to frequent earthquakes, potential volcanic eruptions, and the generation of tsunamis in the surrounding ocean.

The Han emperor Wudi invented a bureaucratic system to help the Han run the empire. What was it based upon?

(1 point)




Mandate of Heaven

The bureaucratic system invented by the Han emperor Wudi was based upon Confucianism. Confucianism emphasized the importance of education, meritocracy, and a well-organized government. The system implemented by Wudi relied on Confucian principles to structure the administration, appoint officials, and establish a hierarchical structure within the Han Empire.

The most valued metalwork produced by Shang artisans were made from what material?

(1 point)





The most valued metalwork produced by Shang artisans was made from bronze. Ancient Shang dynasty artisans were particularly skilled in the crafting of bronze objects, including ritual vessels, weapons, and ornaments. Bronze held significant cultural and symbolic value during the Shang dynasty in ancient China.

9 of 119 of 11 Items

What is the main topic discussed in the Analects of Confucius?
(1 point)

proper behavior and ideals

successful battle strategies

living in harmony with nature

the nature of the afterlife

The main topic discussed in the Analects of Confucius is proper behavior and ideals. The Analects is a collection of teachings and sayings of Confucius, focusing on moral and ethical principles, relationships, social harmony, and the cultivation of personal character. It offers guidance on how individuals should behave, fulfill their roles within society, and contribute to the well-being of the community.

Spiritual traditions followed by ancient Chinese included, most importantly, honoring

ancestors If not honored, they might bring trouble to the family.

Yes, that statement is correct. In ancient Chinese culture, honoring ancestors was a fundamental aspect of spiritual traditions. Ancestors played a significant role in the lives of the living, and it was believed that if they were not properly honored and respected, they could bring trouble and misfortune to the family. Ancestral worship and rituals were important in ensuring the well-being and harmony of the family and the continuation of lineage.

What was the Silk Road?

(1 point)

a long wall running east and west along the Chinese empire’s northern border

a series of trade routes that crossed Asia and connected China to the Mediterranean Sea

an ancient Chinese idea about the human journey of self-discovery

a location in ancient China where the geography supported the production of silk

The Silk Road was a series of trade routes that crossed Asia and connected China to the Mediterranean Sea. It was called the Silk Road because one of the most valuable commodities traded along these routes was silk, which was primarily produced in China. However, various other goods, including spices, precious metals, textiles, and cultural and religious ideas, were also exchanged along the Silk Road, facilitating economic, cultural, and technological interactions between different regions and civilizations.


the right to rule is given to to dynasty by the highest force of nature
a strong leader and strong laws, not moral values, are needed to create social order

The statement "a strong leader and strong laws, not moral values, are needed to create social order" describes the core belief of Legalism. Legalism was an ancient Chinese philosophy that advocated for a strict system of laws and a powerful ruler to maintain order in society. It emphasized the importance of strict discipline, centralized control, and harsh punishments to ensure social stability and obedience to authority. Moral values and virtues were seen as less significant compared to the effectiveness of laws and the strength of the ruler.

Mandate of Heaven

the right to rule is given to to dynasty by the highest force of nature

The statement "the right to rule is given to a dynasty by the highest force of nature" accurately describes the concept of the Mandate of Heaven. The Mandate of Heaven is a belief in ancient Chinese political philosophy that the ruler or dynasty's authority and legitimacy to govern are granted by a divine or cosmic force. According to this concept, if a ruler upheld virtuous and just rule, they maintained the Mandate of Heaven. However, if a ruler became corrupt or failed to govern effectively, it was believed that the Mandate could be withdrawn, leading to rebellion or the rise of a new dynasty. It was a way to justify political power and provide a moral framework for rulership in ancient China.

How were the Qin Empire and the Han dynasty similar and different?

(1 point)

Both the Qin and Han were ruled by a powerful emperor, but the Qin believed in the Mandate of Heaven, whereas the Han believed in legalism.

Both the Qin and Han used the Silk Road for trade, but only the Han experienced significant economic benefits.

Both the Qin and Han had an economy based on agriculture, but their farming methods and crops were different.

Both the Qin and Han had a strong central government, but the Han used a civil service system and the Qin did not.

The last response is correct: Both the Qin Empire and the Han dynasty had a strong central government, but the Han used a civil service system, while the Qin did not.

The Qin Empire was ruled by the first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, who centralized power and enacted a series of legal reforms to establish a highly centralized and autocratic government. However, the Qin did not have a civil service system, and power was often concentrated in the hands of the emperor and his close advisors.

In contrast, the Han dynasty, which succeeded the Qin, also had a centralized government, but it implemented a civil service system known as the "merit-based" system. It allowed individuals to enter the public administration based on their knowledge and skill, as determined by competitive examinations. This system aimed to select officials based on their abilities rather than their birth or social status.

So, although both the Qin Empire and the Han dynasty had a strong central government, the method of selecting and appointing officials differed significantly between the two.

What is a major achievement associated with the Shang dynasty?

(1 point)

the development of a writing system

the construction of the Great Wall

the invention of paper

the technique of rice farming

A major achievement associated with the Shang dynasty is the development of a writing system. The Shang dynasty, which was active from around 1600 BCE to 1046 BCE, is credited with the creation of one of the earliest writing systems in China. The Shang script, which consisted of thousands of characters inscribed on oracle bones, has been deciphered and offers valuable insights into the political, social, and religious aspects of Shang society. This development in writing was a significant step in the cultural and intellectual advancements of ancient China.

Which statements accurately describe the Silk Road? Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

It was created to help protect China from invaders.

It was used mainly for trade.

It was similar to the Great Wall in both distance and direction.

Its route passed through two bodies of water and the Himalaya Mountains.

It contributed to the spread of Buddhism in ancient China.

The two correct statements about the Silk Road are:

- It was used mainly for trade.
- It contributed to the spread of Buddhism in ancient China.

The Silk Road was a network of trade routes connecting various regions across Asia, including China, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. It facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and culture between different civilizations. The Silk Road played a crucial role in the spread of Buddhism from India to China and other parts of Asia, as Buddhist monks, traders, and travelers traveled along these routes, carrying their beliefs and teachings with them.

thank you bot i got them all right

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Bringing in a neutral third party to help others resolve their conflicts peacefully is know as(1 point)

Bringing in a neutral third party to help resolve conflicts peacefully is known as mediation.

A mediator helps by ----.(1 point)

A mediator helps by facilitating communication, promoting understanding, and guiding the parties involved towards finding a mutually acceptable solution to their conflict.

Should you get in the habit of walking away from every, little conflict? (1 point)

No, it is not advisable to get in the habit of walking away from every little conflict. While some conflicts may not warrant significant attention or escalation, it is important to address conflicts appropriately and find resolutions when necessary. Avoiding conflicts altogether can lead to unresolved issues, misunderstandings, and potentially bigger problems in the future. It is essential to assess the situation and determine the best approach, which may involve discussion, compromise, or seeking mediation to reach a satisfactory resolution.

When you are casual friends with someone, you...(1 point)

When you are casual friends with someone, you typically have a friendly and social relationship with them. This may involve occasional interactions, light conversations, and occasional hangouts or activities together. Casual friendships tend to be less intimate and may not involve deep personal sharing or strong emotional connections. Both individuals enjoy each other's company but may not have a deep level of involvement in each other's lives.