How many significant digits in the number 0.00512

There are three significant digits in the number 0.00512.

How many significant digits in the number 3200

There are four significant digits in the number 3200.

How many significant digits in the number 300

There are only one significant digit in the number 300.

How many significant digits in the number 135.210

There are six significant digits in the number 135.210.

Round to 3 significant digits: 3.45991 x 106

The number 3.45991 x 10^6, rounded to 3 significant digits, is 3.46 x 10^6.

Round to 2 significant digits: 0.0034600

The number 0.0034600, rounded to 2 significant digits, is 0.0035.

Round off to 2 significant digits: 5.998

The number 5.998, rounded to 2 significant digits, is 6.0.

Express in scientific notation: 5000

The number 5000 can be expressed in scientific notation as 5.0 x 10^3.

Express in decimal notation: 1.96 x 10-5

The number 1.96 x 10^(-5) can be expressed in decimal notation as 0.0000196.

Express in scientific notation: 75199

The number 75199 can be expressed in scientific notation as 7.5199 x 10^4.

Express in scientific notation: 3459.91

The number 3459.91 can be expressed in scientific notation as 3.45991 x 10^3.

Express in scientific notation: 450

The number 450 can be expressed in scientific notation as 4.5 x 10^2.

Round off to 3 significant digits: 0.45324

The number 0.45324, rounded to 3 significant digits, is 0.453.