-3 / 3/4 times 2/7 times - 5/16 / 5/7

To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step:

First, let's convert the mixed number -3 to an improper fraction:
-3 = -3/1

Next, let's divide -3/3/4. To divide fractions, we multiply by the reciprocal of the second fraction:
-3/3/4 = -3/1 * 4/3 = -12/3 = -4

Now, let's multiply -4 by 2/7:
-4 * 2/7 = -8/7

Moving on, let's deal with the next division: -5/16 ÷ 5/7. To divide fractions, we multiply by the reciprocal of the second fraction:
(-5/16) * (7/5) = -35/80

Finally, let's multiply the two fractions obtained so far:
(-8/7) * (-35/80) = 280/560 = 1/2

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression -3 / 3/4 times 2/7 times - 5/16 / 5/7 is 1/2.

8/9 x - 3/4 -3 / 3/4 divided by 1/9 x - 4/5


To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step:

First, let's multiply 8/9 by -3/4:
(8/9) * (-3/4) = -24/36 = -2/3

Next, let's divide -2/3 by 3/4. To divide fractions, we multiply by the reciprocal of the second fraction:
(-2/3) ÷ (3/4) = (-2/3) * (4/3) = -8/9

Moving on, let's multiply 1/9 by -4/5:
(1/9) * (-4/5) = -4/45

Finally, let's divide -8/9 by -4/45. To divide fractions, we multiply by the reciprocal of the second fraction:
(-8/9) ÷ (-4/45) = (-8/9) * (-45/4) = 360/36 = 10

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression 8/9 x -3/4 - 3 / 3/4 divided by 1/9 x -4/5 ÷ 3/5 is 10.

8/9 x - - 3/4 divided by 1/9 x - 4/5


To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step:

First, let's simplify the double negative in the expression. - - 3/4 is the same as 3/4:
- - 3/4 = 3/4

Next, let's multiply 8/9 by 3/4:
(8/9) * (3/4) = 24/36 = 2/3

Moving on, let's multiply 1/9 by -4/5:
(1/9) * (-4/5) = -4/45

Finally, let's divide 2/3 by -4/45. To divide fractions, we multiply by the reciprocal of the second fraction:
(2/3) ÷ (-4/45) = (2/3) * (-45/4) = -90/12 = -15/2

Now, let's divide -15/2 by 3/5. To divide fractions, we multiply by the reciprocal of the second fraction:
(-15/2) ÷ (3/5) = (-15/2) * (5/3) = -75/6 = -25/2

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression 8/9 x - - 3/4 divided by 1/9 x - 4/5 ÷ 3/5 is -25/2.


(1 point)

To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step:

First, let's multiply (8/9) by (−3/4):
(8/9)×(−3/4) = -24/36 = -2/3

Next, let's divide (-2/3) by (1/9):
(-2/3) ÷ (1/9) = (-2/3) × (9/1) = -18/3 = -6

Moving on, let's multiply (-4/5) by (3/5):
(-4/5) × (3/5) = -12/25

Finally, let's divide (-6) by (-12/25):
(-6) ÷ (-12/25) = (-6) × (-25/12) = 150/12 = 25/2

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression (8/9)×(−3/4)÷(1/9)×(−4/5)÷(3/5) is 25/2.


I apologize for any confusion. Let's reevaluate the expression.

(8/9) × (-3/4) ÷ (1/9) × (-4/5) ÷ (3/5)

First, let's multiply (8/9) by (-3/4):

(8/9) × (-3/4) = -24/36 = -2/3

Next, let's divide (-2/3) by (1/9):

(-2/3) ÷ (1/9) = (-2/3) × (9/1) = -18/3 = -6

Now, let's multiply (-4/5) by (-6):

(-4/5) × (-6) = 24/5

Finally, let's divide 24/5 by (3/5):

(24/5) ÷ (3/5) = (24/5) × (5/3) = 120/15 = 8

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression (8/9) × (-3/4) ÷ (1/9) × (-4/5) ÷ (3/5) is 8.

(−3/5)×(5 1/6)×(7 1/2)÷(−3 1/6)×(−5/7)

To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step:

First, let's convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions:
5 1/6 = (6*5 + 1)/6 = 31/6
7 1/2 = (2*7 + 1)/2 = 15/2
3 1/6 = (6*3 + 1)/6 = 19/6

Next, let's calculate the multiplication in the expression:
(-3/5) × (31/6) × (15/2) = -3 * 31 * 15 / (5 * 6 * 2) = -1395/60

Now, let's calculate the division in the expression:
(-1395/60) ÷ (19/6) ÷ (-5/7) = (-1395/60) × (6/19) × (-7/5) = -1395 * 6 * -7 / (60 * 19 * 5) = 1395/76

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression (−3/5)×(5 1/6)×(7 1/2)÷(−3 1/6)×(−5/7) is 1395/76.


Apologies for the confusion. Let's reevaluate the expression.

(-3/5) × (5 1/6) × (7 1/2) ÷ (-3 1/6) × (-5/7)

First, let's convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions:
5 1/6 = (6*5 + 1)/6 = 31/6
7 1/2 = (2*7 + 1)/2 = 15/2
3 1/6 = (6*3 + 1)/6 = 19/6

Next, let's calculate each part of the expression step by step:
(-3/5) × (31/6) × (15/2) = -1395/60
(-1395/60) ÷ (19/6) = -1395/60 × 6/19 = -1395/10
(-1395/10) × (-5/7) = 9711/70

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression (-3/5) × (5 1/6) × (7 1/2) ÷ (-3 1/6) × (-5/7) is 9711/70.

(-3/5) × (5 1/6) × (7 1/2) ÷ (-3 1/6) × (-5/7)

To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step:

First, let's convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions:
5 1/6 = (6*5 + 1)/6 = 31/6
7 1/2 = (2*7 + 1)/2 = 15/2
3 1/6 = (6*3 + 1)/6 = 19/6

Next, let's calculate each part of the expression step by step:
(-3/5) × (31/6) × (15/2) ÷ (-3 1/6) × (-5/7)

(-3/5) × (31/6) × (15/2) = (-93/30) × (31/6) × (15/2) = -31/2

Next, (-3 1/6) × (-5/7) = (-19/6) × (-5/7) = 95/42

Finally, let's divide the two results:
(-31/2) ÷ (95/42) = (-31/2) × (42/95) = -1293/190

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression (-3/5) × (5 1/6) × (7 1/2) ÷ (-3 1/6) × (-5/7) is -1293/190.

(-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (-3/16) × (-5/7)

To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step:

(-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (-3/16) × (-5/7)

First, let's simplify the multiplication in the numerator:
(-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) = -3 * 5 * 7 / (5 * 16 * 12) = -21/96 = -7/32

Next, let's simplify the multiplication in the denominator:
(-3/16) × (-5/7) = 3 * 5 / (16 * 7) = 15/112

Now, let's divide the numerator by the denominator:
(-7/32) ÷ (15/112) = (-7/32) × (112/15) = -7 * 112 / (32 * 15) = -784/480 = -49/30

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression (-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (-3/16) × (-5/7) is -49/30.

(- 3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (- 3/16) × (- 5/7)

To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step:

(- 3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (- 3/16) × (- 5/7)

First, let's multiply the numerators:
(-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) = -105/960

Next, let's multiply the denominators:
(-3/16) × (-5/7) = 15/112

Now, let's divide the two results:
(-105/960) ÷ (15/112) = (-105/960) × (112/15) = -1470/1440

Finally, let's simplify the resulting fraction:
-1470/1440 = -49/48

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression (- 3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (- 3/16) × (- 5/7) is -49/48.

no thas not

Apologies for the mistake. Let's correct the simplification of the given expression:

(-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (-3/16) × (-5/7)

First, let's simplify the multiplication in the numerator:
(-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) = - (3*5*7)/(5*16*12) = - 105/960

Next, let's simplify the multiplication in the denominator:
(-3/16) × (-5/7) = (3*-5)/(16*7) = 15/112

Now, let's divide the numerator by the denominator:
(-105/960) ÷ (15/112) = (-105/960) × (112/15) = - (105*112)/(960*15) = -11760/14400

Finally, let's simplify the resulting fraction:
-11760/14400 = -49/60

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression (-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (-3/16) × (-5/7) is -49/60.

nope not right

Apologies for the previous incorrect response. Let's re-evaluate the expression correctly:

(-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (-3/16) × (-5/7)

First, let's simplify the multiplication in the numerator:
(-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) = (-3 * 5 * 7) / (5 * 16 * 12) = -105/960

Next, let's simplify the multiplication in the denominator:
(-3/16) × (-5/7) = (3 * 5) / (16 * 7) = 15/112

Now, let's divide the numerator by the denominator:
(-105/960) ÷ (15/112) = (-105/960) * (112/15) = -11760/14400 = -39/48

Therefore, the simplified result of the expression (-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (-3/16) × (-5/7) is -39/48.

A group of 9 people won 1/5 of a $4,500 prize. How much money did each person in the group win?(1 point)

To find out how much money each person in the group won, we need to divide the total prize by the number of people.

The group won 1/5 of the $4,500 prize, so the amount they won is (1/5) * $4,500 = $900.

Since there are 9 people in the group, we divide $900 by 9:

$900 / 9 = $100

Therefore, each person in the group won $100.


Great! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

answers are

1: 1/2
2: 1/8
3: -5/12
4: 1
5: 100

I apologize for the misunderstanding. If you provided specific answers or questions that were not clear to me, please provide more context or clarify your previous statements, and I'll be happy to help you.