Which word would you use if you had to borrow this item from a Spanish speaker?

Question 1 options:





Which word would you use if you had to borrow this item from a Spanish speaker?

Question 2 options:





Which word would you use if you had to borrow this item from a Spanish speaker?

Question 3 options:

los zapatos

el cuaderno

la casa

los zapatos

How would you ask your friend how he is doing? Choose the word that completes the following phrase.

Hola, Sergio ¿Còmo_______ ?

Question 4 options:



Hola, Sergio ¿Cómo estás?

How would you greet your friend? Choose the word that best completes the following phrase.

¡Hola, buenos_______!

Question 5 options:



¡Hola, buenos días!

How would you respond when your friend asks "How are you?" in Spanish? Choose the word that best completes the following phrase.

______ bien, gracias.

Question 6 options:



Muy bien, gracias.

How would you ask someone their name? Choose the word that best completes the following phrase.


Question 7 options:

te llamas


¿Cómo te llamas?

You're at the store and you need to ask the Spanish speaking clerk for this item pictured below. What word would you use?

Question 8 options:

el bolígrafo

el lápiz

la carpeta

Since the item is not pictured, I cannot determine the specific word you need. However, if it is a pen, you would use "el bolígrafo." If it is a pencil, you would use "el lápiz." If it is a folder, you would use "la carpeta."

You need to write someone's phone number which item would you use?

Question 9 options:

el dia

el boligrafo

You would use "el bolígrafo" to write someone's phone number.

You are helping a friend with a Spanish assignment, how would you respond to this question?

¿Cómo se dice...?

Question 10 options:

Se dice..

Hasta luego

Se dice...

A stranger greets you in Spanish what would you say?

¿Cómo está Ud?

Question 11 options:

¿Cual es la fecha?

muy bien

Muy bien.

You are about to leave a conversation in Spanish. Which of the following will you NOT use to say goodbye?

Question 12 options:

¡Nos vemos!

Hasta luego

la sala de clases

la sala de clases

You need help trying to find the right Spanish word during a conversation. Which one of these phrases would you NOT use?

Question 13 options:

¿Cómo se dice?


¿Qué quiere decir?


You're meeting an elderly neighbor that speaks Spanish how would you ask him/her how they are doing?

Question 14 options:

¿Cómo estás?

¿Cómo está Usted?

¿Cómo está Usted?

It is 2pm and you want to greet your neighbor. How would you say good afternoon?

Question 15 options:

Buenas noches.

Buenas tardes.

Buenos días.

Buenas tardes.