What is the simplified form of the following expression. 6c squared +2.5d-d+2c squared-3d

The simplified form of the expression is: 8c² - 1.5d

Simplify the following expression. 1/4(16-12x)

To simplify the expression 1/4(16-12x), start by distributing the fraction to each term inside the parentheses:

1/4 * 16 - 1/4 * 12x

Next, simplify each term separately:

4 - 3x

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression 1/4(16-12x) is 4 - 3x.

What is the sum. 7/3+(-3/8)

To find the sum of 7/3 and -3/8, we need to have a common denominator. The least common denominator (LCD) for 3 and 8 is 24.

To convert 7/3 into an equivalent fraction with the denominator 24, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 8:

7/3 * 8/8 = 56/24

To convert -3/8 into an equivalent fraction with the denominator 24, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 3:

-3/8 * 3/3 = -9/24

Now that both fractions have a common denominator, the sum is:

56/24 + (-9/24) = (56 - 9)/24 = 47/24

So, the sum of 7/3 and -3/8 is 47/24.

Order the following numbers from least to greatest. Square root of 11, -0.4, -4/3, 0.8, square root of 2

To order the numbers from least to greatest, let's start by converting any irrational numbers into decimal approximations:

Square root of 11 ≈ 3.316

Square root of 2 ≈ 1.414

Now, we can arrange the numbers in ascending order:

-4/3 < -0.4 < 1.414 < 0.8 < 3.316

Therefore, the numbers in order from least to greatest are:

-4/3, -0.4, square root of 2, 0.8, square root of 11.

Which sum or difference is equivalent to the following expression. 2x+3/4

To find a sum or difference equivalent to 2x + 3/4, we need to have a common denominator. The least common denominator (LCD) for the expression is 4.

To convert 2x into an equivalent fraction with the denominator 4, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 2:

2x * 2/2 = 4x/2 = 2x

Now, we have:

2x + 3/4 = 2x + 3/4

Therefore, the sum or difference that is equivalent to 2x + 3/4 is 2x + 3/4.

What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the sum of 4g and 6

The algebraic expression for the word phrase "the sum of 4g and 6" is: 4g + 6

What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the quotient of 8 and the sum of 3 and m

The algebraic expression for the word phrase "the quotient of 8 and the sum of 3 and m" is: 8 / (3 + m)

What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the quotient of x and 6y

The algebraic expression for the word phrase "the quotient of x and 6y" is: x / (6y)

What is the difference? 9/4-1/7

To find the difference of 9/4 and 1/7, we need to have a common denominator. The least common denominator (LCD) for 4 and 7 is 28.

To convert 9/4 into an equivalent fraction with the denominator 28, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 7:

(9/4) * (7/7) = 63/28

Now, we have:

63/28 - 1/7

To convert 1/7 into an equivalent fraction with the denominator 28, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 4:

(1/7) * (4/4) = 4/28

Now, the difference is:

63/28 - 4/28 = 59/28

Therefore, the difference of 9/4 and 1/7 is 59/28.

What is the simplified form of the following expression? Square root of 1/144

To simplify the expression √(1/144), we can take the square root of both the numerator and denominator separately.

√(1/144) = √1 / √144 = 1/12

Thus, the simplified form of the expression is 1/12.

Evaluate a/z+bw squared for a=21, b=3, w=6, z=7

To evaluate the expression (a/z + bw)² for a = 21, b = 3, w = 6, and z = 7, substitute the given values into the expression:

(21/7 + 3(6))² = (3 + 18)² = (21)² = 441

Therefore, when a = 21, b = 3, w = 6, and z = 7, the value of the expression is 441.

What is the product? 4.3(-2.9)

The product of 4.3 and -2.9 is:

4.3 * -2.9 = -12.47

Therefore, the product is -12.47.

What is the simplified form of the following expression? (3/5)cubed

To simplify the expression (3/5) cubed, we need to raise the fraction to the power of 3.

(3/5) cubed = (3/5)^3

To simplify this further, we multiply the numerator and denominator of the fraction by itself three times:

(3/5)^3 = (3^3) / (5^3) = 27/125

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression (3/5) cubed is 27/125.

Which word phrase can you use to represent the algebraic expression 6y

The word phrase that can be used to represent the algebraic expression 6y is "the product of 6 and y" or "six times y."

Which statement about the product is true? 7.56×6.7

The true statement about the product 7.56 × 6.7 is:

7.56 × 6.7 = 50.712

Using the formula r=d/t , where d is the distance in miles, r is the rate, and t is the time in hours, at which rate must you travel to cover 212.5 miles in 2.5 hours?

To find the rate at which you must travel to cover 212.5 miles in 2.5 hours, we can rearrange the formula r = d/t to solve for the rate.

r = d / t

Plugging in the given values, we have:

r = 212.5 miles / 2.5 hours

Calculating this expression:
r = 85 miles per hour

Therefore, you must travel at a rate of 85 miles per hour to cover 212.5 miles in 2.5 hours.

12[6^÷(5^-4^) + 7]

To simplify the expression 12[6^÷(5^-4^) + 7], we follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS):

First, we simplify any exponents:

5^-4 = 1/5^4 = 1/625

Now, we simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

6^÷(1/625) + 7

Next, we divide 6 by 1/625:

6 ÷ (1/625) = 6 * 625 = 3750

Finally, we add 3750 and 7:

3750 + 7 = 3757

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression 12[6^÷(5^-4^) + 7] is 3757.