Abraham needs one-half of a point to get an A- in math. what rational number can be used to represent the number of points needed for Abraham to get an A-?

The rational number that can be used to represent the number of points needed for Abraham to get an A- is 0.5 (or 1/2).

place the following numbers in order as they would appear on a number line left to right: -2.0, 0.25, -1.02, 1.98

In order from left to right, the numbers would appear on a number line as follows:

-2.0, -1.02, 0.25, 1.98

find the sum of p and q if p= 3/4 and q = -11/4. reduce your answer to lowest terms.

To find the sum of p = 3/4 and q = -11/4, we add the numerators and keep the same denominator:

(3/4) + (-11/4) = (3 - 11)/4 = -8/4

Now, we can simplify the fraction -8/4 by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4:

-8/4 = -2/1

So, the sum of p and q, when reduced to the lowest terms, is -2/1 or simply -2.

add (-12) and (-15)

To add (-12) and (-15), simply add the two numbers:

(-12) + (-15) = -27

Therefore, the sum of (-12) and (-15) is -27.

which of the following is a real-world problem that could be solved with the sum 102.50 + (-39.95)

A potential real-world problem that could be solved with the sum 102.50 + (-39.95) could be a situation where someone is tracking their expenses and income.

For example, if someone has $102.50 in their bank account and they make a purchase of $39.95, they would subtract the cost of the purchase from their account balance. Using the concept of adding a negative number (subtracting), they would add (-39.95) to 102.50 to calculate the new account balance.

This real-world problem represents a scenario where someone is keeping track of their financial transactions and updating their balance accordingly.

is it Nevaeh bought new headphones for $102.50. he then spent $39.95 on a new game. how much money did Nevaeh spend all together?, Nevaeh earned $102.50 last weekend. he then spent $39.95 on a new game. how much money from his weekend earnings does he have left?, Nevaeh earned $102.50 last weekend. he then received $39.95 from his mom. how much money does he now have?, Nevaeh has $102.50 in his bank account. he then deposits $39.95 into his bank account. how much money does he now have in his bank account

The real-world problem that could be solved with the sum 102.50 + (-39.95) is:

"Nevaeh bought new headphones for $102.50. He then spent $39.95 on a new game. How much money did Nevaeh spend all together?"

To find the total amount Nevaeh spent, we add the cost of the headphones and the cost of the game:

102.50 + (-39.95) = 62.55

Therefore, Nevaeh spent a total of $62.55.

solve the following problem:

it was 13 degrees c yesterday but the temperature changed by -18.6 degrees overnight. what is the temperature now

To find the current temperature after the overnight change, we need to subtract -18.6 from 13:

13 - (-18.6) = 13 + 18.6 = 31.6

Therefore, the current temperature is 31.6 degrees Celsius.

what is 17 4/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10?

To simplify the expression 17 4/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10, we need to first convert the mixed number 17 4/9 to an improper fraction.

17 4/9 as an improper fraction:

= (17 * 9 + 4) / 9
= 153/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10

Now we can combine like terms:

= (153 + 5) / 9 - 8 - 10
= 158/9 - 8 - 10

Next, we convert the whole numbers 8 and 10 to fractions with a denominator of 9:

= 158/9 - (8 * 9)/9 - (10 * 9)/9
= 158/9 - 72/9 - 90/9

Now we can combine the fractions:

= (158 - 72 - 90) / 9
= (-4) / 9

Therefore, the simplified expression is -4/9.

is it -7 ,20,-1,0

No, the simplified expression is not -7, 20, -1, 0. I apologize for the incorrect response.

To accurately simplify the expression 17 4/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10, we need to follow the correct order of operations:

First, convert the mixed number 17 4/9 into an improper fraction:

17 4/9 = (17 * 9 + 4) / 9 = 153/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10

Next, combine like terms:

153/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10 = (153 + 5)/9 - 8 - 10 = 158/9 - 8 - 10

Then, subtract 8 and 10 from 158/9:

158/9 - 8 - 10 = 158/9 - 8/1 - 10/1

To subtract fractions, we need a common denominator. To obtain a common denominator of 9, we multiply 8 by 9/9 and 10 by 9/9:

158/9 - 8/1 - 10/1 = 158/9 - (8 * 9)/9 - (10 * 9)/9
= 158/9 - 72/9 - 90/9

Now, subtract the fractions:

158/9 - 72/9 - 90/9 = (158 - 72 - 90)/9 = -4/9

Therefore, the correct simplified expression is -4/9.

thats not an answer though

Apologies for the confusion. Let's redo the calculation:

To solve the expression 17 4/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10, we need to start by simplifying the mixed number 17 4/9 into an improper fraction.

17 4/9 = (17 * 9 + 4) / 9 = 157/9

Now, substitute the improper fraction back into the expression:

157/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10

Next, combine the fractions:

(157/9 + 5/9) - 8 - 10 = (157 + 5)/9 - 8 - 10 = 162/9 - 8 - 10

Now, simplify the subtraction of fractions:

162/9 - 8/1 - 10/1

To subtract fractions, we need a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 9:

162/9 - (8 * 9)/9 - (10 * 9)/9 = 162/9 - 72/9 - 90/9

Now, subtract the fractions:

(162 - 72 - 90)/9 = 0/9 = 0

Therefore, the expression 17 4/9 + 5/9 - 8 - 10 simplifies to 0.

ok thanks

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

which context describes a difference of rational numbers

A context that describes a difference of rational numbers is a scenario where quantities are being compared or subtracted. For example, if you have two measurements of temperature, such as 5.5 degrees Celsius and 3.25 degrees Celsius, finding the difference between them will involve subtracting one temperature from the other. This represents a difference of rational numbers. Similarly, if you have two measurements of distance, such as 9.75 miles and 4.5 miles, finding the difference between them will involve subtracting one distance from the other, which again represents a difference of rational numbers.

is it the team's score did not change during the game, a football player loses yards on a play, the team's score increased when scoring, or a football player gains on a play

A football player loses yards on a play is the context that describes a difference of rational numbers. When a player loses yards, it implies a subtraction of a rational number from another. The difference represents a change in position or distance.

Joey walked east for 15 2/3 meters from home. then he walked west for 21 3/4 meters. how far was joey from home

To find out how far Joey was from home, we need to subtract the distance he walked west from the distance he walked east.

Joey walked east for 15 2/3 meters and then walked west for 21 3/4 meters.

To calculate the difference, we have:

15 2/3 - 21 3/4

First, we convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:

15 2/3 = (15 * 3 + 2) / 3 = 47/3
21 3/4 = (21 * 4 + 3) / 4 = 87/4

Now, we subtract:

47/3 - 87/4

To subtract fractions, we need to find a common denominator, which is 12 in this case:

(47/3) * (4/4) = 188/12
(87/4) * (3/3) = 261/12

Now, we have:

188/12 - 261/12 = (-73/12)

Therefore, Joey is (-73/12) meters away from home.

which situation describes opposite quantities that when combined would equal 0?

Is the answer A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 15,000 feet. how many feet above the ground is the plane? A plan ascends to 10,000 feet and then ascends 15,000 feet. how many feet above the ground is the plane? A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 10,000 feet. how many feet above the ground is the plane? A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then ascends ascends 15,000 feet. how many feet above the ground is the plane

The situation that describes opposite quantities that, when combined, would equal 0 is:

"A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 15,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?"

In this scenario, the plane initially ascends 15,000 feet, which is a positive value. However, it then descends 15,000 feet, which is a negative value. When these opposite quantities are combined, the net change in altitude is zero, meaning the plane is back at the same height as the ground.

Solve the following word problem. The air temperature at 9 a.m. is -5.8 degrees Celsius. The air temperature at noon is -1.6 degrees Celsius. what is the change in the temperature during there three hours? write and solve an equation to show your answer. then explain what your answer means.

To find the change in temperature during the three hours from 9 a.m. to noon, we need to subtract the initial temperature at 9 a.m. from the temperature at noon.

Initial temperature: -5.8 degrees Celsius
Temperature at noon: -1.6 degrees Celsius

Change in temperature = Temperature at noon - Initial temperature

Change in temperature = -1.6 - (-5.8)
= -1.6 + 5.8

To add the numbers, align the decimal points and perform the addition:

+ 5.8

The change in temperature during the three hours is 4.2 degrees Celsius.

This means that the temperature increased by 4.2 degrees Celsius from 9 a.m. to noon.

ok thanks i finished bot bud and i put a like on your answer

You're welcome! I'm glad I could assist you. Thank you for your feedback, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

well i have no questions right now so bye bud i have to go eat my lunch

Goodbye! Enjoy your lunch! If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Have a great day!

Add 10.82+(−15.96).

is everything correct here?

Determine the distance between −18.26 and −2.45 on a number line.(1 point)


negative 15.81


negative 20.71



Correct Answers:

1. 1/2
2. -2.0,-1.02,0.25,1.98
3. -2
4. -27
5. -5.14
6. Nevaeh earned $102.50 last weekend. He then spent $39.95 on a new game. How much money from his weekend earnings does he have left?
7. -5.6
8. 378.89
9. 15.81
10. 39
11. 0
12. A football player loses yards on a play.
13. 6 1/12
A plane ascends to 15,000 feet and then descends 15,000 feet. How many feet above the ground is the plane?
15. the temp changed by 4.6 during the three hours.

Determine the distance between −18.26 and −2.45 on a number line.(1 point)

thank you No One i got 100% bc of you thank you