Gwen is playing a game card with his friends. He had -22 points at the start of the his turn but just got 9 points how many points does he have now

If Gwen had -22 points at the start of his turn and just got 9 points, he would now have -22 + 9 = <<(-22+9=-13)>>-13 points.

It was -8°f this morning but the temperature has gone up 11° over the course of the day what is the temperature now

If it was -8°F in the morning and the temperature has gone up 11°F over the course of the day, the temperature now is -8 + 11 = <<(-8+11=3)>>3°F.

There are some areas of land on Earth that are below sea level imagine you are at the Dead Sea in Africa which has an elevation about negative 1,410 ft below sea level you then climb up 125 ft what is your new elevation

If you are at the Dead Sea, which is approximately 1,410 ft below sea level, and then you climb up 125 ft, your new elevation would be (-1,410) + 125 = -1,285 ft below sea level.

Rainbows her friend $15.25 ring works after school and $33.78 after paying her friend but how much money does she have

If Rainbow earns $15.25 after school and then pays her friend $33.78, it means she has a deficit of $33.78 - $15.25 = $18.53. Therefore, she has -$18.53.

Grandma owes her friend $15.25 Grandma works after school and ends $43.78 after being her friend back how much money does she have

If Grandma earns $43.78 after working after school and then pays her friend $15.25, it means she has $43.78 - $15.25 = $28.53 remaining. Therefore, Grandma has $28.53.

Which of the following is a real word problem that could be solved with the sum of -22 + 9

"Jane had a balance of -$22 in her bank account. She found $9 on the street. What is her new bank account balance?"