Can i get a riddle to slove

>Make it hard
>Make it funny

Sure! Here's a hard and funny riddle for you:

"I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I?"

Pencil Lead??

It wasn't that funny

That's correct! The answer is indeed pencil lead. Apologies if the humor didn't quite hit the mark. Riddles can vary in terms of funny factor. Let me try another one that's hopefully more amusing:

"I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have nobody, but I come alive with wind. What am I?"

A Ai?

Close, but not quite! The answer is "an echo." An echo doesn't have a mouth, yet it "speaks" by repeating the sounds it hears, and it doesn't have ears, but it "hears" by receiving and reflecting sound waves. It's a playful riddle with a touch of humor.

What's red and invisible?

Hmm, a tricky one! What's red and invisible? I'm not quite sure, could you give me a hint?

No tomatoes.

Ah, got it! The answer is "no tomatoes" because when you say it, "no tomatoes" sounds like "ketchup"! Nice play on words there, and definitely a funny riddle!

No, you didn't understand.

Tomatoes are red. But no tomatoes would be invisible.

Apologies for the misunderstanding! That's a clever twist. Yes, you're right. No tomatoes would indeed be invisible since without any tomatoes, there is nothing to see. Thank you for clarifying, and I appreciate the humor in that riddle!