The first step in getting help for drug abuse is

Joining a therapeutic community
Recognizing the problem

and acknowledging the need for help.

Which one is it??

Recognizing the problem and acknowledging the need for help is the first step in getting help for drug abuse.

A place where former drug abusers live together and learn to be drug free is called?

a detox center
A hospital
A therapeutic center
A supervised medication facility

A therapeutic community.

Which of the following are signs of drug abuses(select all that apply)

Joining a club
Denial of any problems
Gaining weight
Withdrawal from normal activities

Denial of any problems and withdrawal from normal activities are signs of drug abuse. Gaining weight and joining a club are not necessarily signs of drug abuse.

The step of drug abuse treatment that involves withdrawal from the drug being abused it called



Legal drugs that can only be obtained through doctors written order are called

Over the counter drugs


Club drugs

Prescription drugs

Prescription drugs.

A person has a really bad cough and took medicine after 2 hours later they realized that the bottle said they should only take it 4-6 hours this is an example of

Misuse of medication.

Taking two depressants such as a sleeping pill along with alcohol can result in

a dangerous increase in central nervous system depression, potentially leading to severe respiratory depression, coma, or death.

Select all that apply

Drug antagonism
Drug synergism
Cancelling each others effects
Producing extreme disorders

Drug antagonism and drug synergism.