What are the coordinates of point A′ if triangle ABC is rotated 90° to produce the image triangle A′B′C′?

The coordinates of point A are (-4,9)

Without knowing the orientation of the rotation, it is impossible to determine the coordinates of point A′.

How would we find it though

To find the coordinates of point A′, you need to know a few more pieces of information. Specifically, you need to know the orientation of the rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise) and the center of the rotation.

Once you have this information, you can use a rotation formula to calculate the coordinates of point A′. The formula will involve the coordinates of point A, the center of rotation, and the angle of rotation.

For example, if you know that the rotation is counterclockwise around the origin by 90 degrees, the formula would be:

x' = (-y)
y' = x

Using this formula, you can plug in the coordinates of point A (-4,9) to get:

x' = (-9) = -9
y' = (-(-4)) = 4

Therefore, the coordinates of point A′ are (-9,4).


I apologize if my previous response did not answer your question. Without additional information about the rotation, it is impossible to give you exact coordinates for point A'.

In general, when you rotate a point in the Cartesian plane, you need to know the following information:

1. The center of rotation
2. The angle of rotation
3. The direction of rotation (i.e., clockwise or counterclockwise)

With this information, you can use a rotation formula to find the new coordinates. The formula will depend on the specifics of the rotation and may involve trigonometric functions such as sine and cosine.

If you can provide more information about the rotation, I would be happy to help you find the coordinates of point A'.

what's the longest word in the world

The longest word in the world is not a specific word, as it depends on the language being considered. However, one of the longest words in English is "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis," which is a type of lung disease caused by the inhalation of fine silica dust. The word has 45 letters and is often cited as the longest word in the English language.

what about the one that takes 3 hours to say?

I'm not aware of any specific word that takes three hours to say. There are some very long words in languages such as Sanskrit and Finnish, but even those don't take three hours to pronounce. It's possible that someone may have created a word that is extremely long and takes three hours to say, but it would not be a recognized word in any language. In any case, there is no generally accepted word that takes three hours to pronounce.

Well there is but it's so long they cant put it in

What was the main cause of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s?(1 point)


flooding caused by climate change
flooding caused by climate change

unusually cold weather
unusually cold weather

stronger than normal storms
stronger than normal storms

poor soil and land management

The main cause of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s was poor soil and land management. Over-farming, lack of crop rotation, and improper plowing techniques led to the depletion of topsoil and created severe dust storms that damaged crops, livestock, and homes. The combination of drought, high temperatures, and strong winds exacerbated the problem and led to widespread economic and environmental devastation in the Great Plains region of the United States.

is it A, B, C, or D, What was the main cause of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s?(1 point)


A. flooding caused by climate change

B. unusually cold weather

C. stronger than normal storms

D. poor soil and land management

The answer is D. Poor soil and land management was the main cause of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s.

Are you certain?

Yes, I am certain that the main cause of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s was poor soil and land management. This is a well-established fact among historians and environmental scientists.