1. Which option describes a research question?(1 point)


a question placed in the conclusion of an essay to make the reader think

a question that encourages the reader to find out more about the topic

a question that reveals where you can find information about a topic

a question that identifies a topic that you want to learn more about

1. A.) a question that identifies a topic that you want to learn more about

2. A1.) details and facts B1.) reliable
3. A.) to get a broader understanding of the topic
4. D.)Do paper bags cause less pollution than plastic bags?


Which option describes a research question? (1 point)

A.) a question that identifies a topic that you want to learn more about
B.) a question that reveals where you can find information about a topic
C.) a question that encourages the reader to find out more about the topic
D.) a question placed in the conclusion of an essay to make the reader think
Select the correct answers from the lists.(1 point)
Sources provide____about a research topic. Sources should be______.
A1.) details and facts A2.) Opinions B1.) reliable B2.) entertaining
Why is it important to use several sources when conducting research?(1 point)
A.) to get a broader understanding of the topic
B.) to limit the number of conclusions that are drawn
C.) to find the most interesting information
D.) to satisfy the guidelines for the assignment
Stanley wants to do a research project on the impact of using paper bags versus plastic bags. Which question could he use as a research question to guide his search for information? (1 point)
A.) Are paper bags less expensive than plastic bags?
B.) Are plastic bags more popular than paper bags?
C.) Do more people use paper or plastic bags when shopping?
D.)Do paper bags cause less pollution than plastic bags?


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Washington depended on an influx of settlers to build its population and become a state. Many of those settlers were immigrants.

How did immigration to Washington in the 1800s and 1900s result in both cooperation and conflict? Compare and contrast the experiences of two immigrant groups in Washington.

Immigration to Washington in the 1800s and 1900s resulted in both cooperation and conflict. On one hand, the influx of settlers helped to build the population and economy of the state, while on the other hand, it also created tension and conflict between different groups.

Two immigrant groups that had contrasting experiences in Washington were the Chinese and Japanese immigrants. Chinese immigrants arrived in Washington in large numbers during the late 1800s and early 1900s to work in the mining, lumber, and railroad industries. However, they faced significant discrimination and racism from white Americans who resented their presence and felt threatened by their willingness to work for lower wages.

Japanese immigrants, on the other hand, were largely welcomed in Washington and were encouraged to settle in the state. They were seen as less threatening than Chinese immigrants and were able to purchase land and set up successful businesses. However, this changed after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, which led to the forced internment of Japanese-Americans, including those who had been born and raised in Washington.

Overall, while both groups faced challenges and discrimination, the experiences of Chinese and Japanese immigrants in Washington differed significantly. The Chinese were met with hostility and racism, while the Japanese were initially welcomed but later faced the trauma of internment during World War II.

Washington depended on an influx of settlers to build its population and become a state. Many of those settlers were immigrants.

How did immigration to Washington in the 1800s and 1900s result in both cooperation and conflict? Compare and contrast the experiences of two immigrant groups in Washington.

Immigration to Washington in the late 1800s and early 1900s was driven by a number of factors, including economic opportunities, land availability, and a desire for a better life. The influx of immigrant settlers had both positive and negative impacts on the state, resulting in cooperation and conflict among different groups.

One immigrant group that faced significant discrimination and conflict in Washington during this time were the Chinese immigrants. Chinese immigrants primarily came to Washington to work in industries such as mining, lumber, and railroad construction. However, they were met with hostility and racism from white Americans who resented their presence and felt threatened by their willingness to work for lower wages. This hostility culminated in anti-Chinese riots and the eventual passage of discriminatory laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act.

In contrast, Japanese immigrants in Washington largely enjoyed more positive experiences and were welcomed as immigrants. They were able to set up successful businesses and purchase land in the state. However, after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 during World War II, Japanese immigrants and their descendants were forcibly removed from their homes and placed in internment camps.

Despite these varying experiences, immigration to Washington also resulted in cooperation among different groups. Many groups, such as immigrant laborers and farmers, worked together to create successful communities and businesses. Additionally, some immigrant groups also contributed to the cultural diversity of Washington, bringing their traditions, food, and art to the state.

In conclusion, immigration to Washington resulted in both cooperation and conflict. The experiences of Chinese and Japanese immigrants in the state differed significantly, with the former facing discrimination and the latter initially enjoying more positive experiences but ultimately facing internment during World War II. Despite these challenges, immigrants in the state were able to work together to build successful communities and help contribute to the cultural diversity of Washington.

Which statement correctly describes an effect of the railroads’ monopoly on transportation to and from Washington?

A. Railroads could set high prices without fear of competition.
B. Railroads had to rely on immigrants to lay track and run trains.
C. Railroads were able to pay better wages than farmers and other businesses.
D. Railroads controlled so much land that mining companies had to shut down.

A. Railroads could set high prices without fear of competition.

What industries most directly led to the growth of Spokane before the First World War? Select 3.

A. automobile
B. canning
C. hydroelectric power
D. lumber milling
E. mining
F. oil drilling
G. shipbuilding
H. textiles

B. canning, C. hydroelectric power, and D. lumber milling.

Why did labor unions organize in the late nineteenth century?

A. to demand racial and ethnic equality
B. to prevent industrial expansion
C. to slow technological progress
D. to win better wages and working conditions

D. to win better wages and working conditions.

What was one way the Populist Party hoped to reduce the power of business and industry?

A. by calling for public ownership of railroads
B. by establishing utopian communities
C. by increasing the cost of lending
D. by promoting the use of gold as currency

A. by calling for public ownership of railroads.

Why did utopian communities believe in self-sufficiency?

A. to make pay among workers more fair
B. to increase the strength of the government
C. to reduce the influence of banks
D. to speed up the expansion of railroads

A. to make pay among workers more fair.

Question 1 of 15

How did Washington Territory change before gaining statehood?
A. It decreased in land area.
B. It extended its borders eastward.
C. It gained access to major port cities.
D. It lost possession of key islands.

B. It extended its borders eastward.

Which event most directly determined Washington’s boundaries?

A. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition
B. Pig War
C. Constitutional Convention
D. Klondike Gold Rush

B. Pig War.

Which event spurred immigration to Washington Territory?

A. expansion of the Great Northern Railroad
B. passage of an enabling act
C. repeal of the Burlingame Treaty
D. start of the Civil War

A. Expansion of the Great Northern Railroad.

Which locations in Washington experienced the most notable shifts in population size because of immigration?

A. company towns
B. farm communities
C. mining camps
D. terminus cities

C. Mining camps.

What was a main cause of the Anti-Chinese Congress?

A. job competition
B. population decreases
C. Civil War tensions
D. logging interests

How did many Russian immigrants to Washington differ from most European immigrants?
A. They came looking for jobs.
B. They fled a violent revolution.
C. They sought a milder climate.
D. They wanted cheap land.

What did Washington Territory need before it could become a state?
A. population of at least 125,000
B. resolution of border dispute with Britain
C. a state capital in the east
D. voter-approved antislavery laws

The Washington Constitution calls for which of the following?
A. power over federal government
B. protection of citizens’ rights
C. fair tribal treaties for Native Americans
D. lessening of immigration to the state

Question 9 of 15
Why do the three branches of state government have different powers?
A. to check one another’s authority and prevent one central power
B. to ensure that the government limits individual citizen rights
C. to limit all interaction between branches
D. to provide three different solutions to problems

How did the people of Washington participate in the declaration of statehood?
A. They passed population requirements by referendum.
B. They petitioned the governor to apply to the federal government.
C. They elected delegates to a constitutional convention.
D. They voted to approve a state enabling act.

How did the Klondike Gold Rush affect Washington?
A. Immigrants migrating to Alaska left open more land for settlement.
B. Railroad and port cities became important links on the journey north.
C. State logging operations contributed valuable resources and expertise.
D. Resources were taken away from war efforts.

What was the main cause of population growth in Spokane and Seattle?
A. the Civil War
B. railroads
C. eminent domain
D. exclusion acts

Which statement best compares farm workers and industrial workers in the late 1800s in Washington?
A. Farmers formed granges to support one another while industrial workers organized labor unions.
B. Farmers supported railroads and factories while other workers sought public ownership of industries.
C. Industrial workers benefited from lack of business regulation while farmers sought more government oversight.
D. Industrial workers went on strike to demand reforms while farmers found jobs as strikebreakers.

How did utopian communities try to correct hardships caused by business and industry? Select all that apply.
A. by calling for a socialist revolution
B. by campaigning for Populist officials
C. by demanding collective bargaining
D. by organizing labor strikes
E. by promoting egalitarianism
F. by isolating themselves

Why did the Populist Party want the federal government to adopt silver as a currency standard? Select all that apply.
A. to benefit domestic mine workers
B. to break the monopoly on shipping
C. to fund the expansion of railroads
D. to lower the risk of investment
E. to make it easier for banks to lend money
F. to reduce the power of workers’ unions


1. It extended its borders eastward.
2. Job competition.
3. They fled a violent revolution.
4. Resolution of border dispute with Britain.
5. To check one another’s authority and prevent one central power.
6. They elected delegates to a constitutional convention.
7. Railroad and port cities became important links on the journey north.
8. Railroads.
9. Farmers formed granges to support one another while industrial workers organized labor unions.
10. By promoting egalitarianism, and by isolating themselves.
11. To benefit domestic mine workers, to lower the risk of investment.

The Washington Constitution calls for which of the following?

A. power over federal government
B. protection of citizens’ rights
C. fair tribal treaties for Native Americans
D. lessening of immigration to the state

B. Protection of citizens' rights.

Kaiser Wilhelm I’s arbitration commission supports U.S. claim to San Juan Islands.

Pig War ensues to decide whether Haro Strait or Rosario Strait is the maritime border.
Territory divides into Washington Territory and Idaho Territory.
United States and Britain agree to 49th parallel as border.
Which order correctly sequences the events that finalized the boundaries of Washington Territory?

B. II, I, IV, III.